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4.14.0 β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈπŸžπŸž

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@juanfranblanco juanfranblanco released this 20 Mar 14:35
· 199 commits to master since this release

ENS Wilcard CCIP Read

Commits: 0c87c34, a375d5a

Rpc updates

  • SwitchEthereumChain thanks to @youtpout
  • Block DTO changes to include (validator) Withdrawal merkle root and Withdrawal objects
    Commits: 9edea65, 77856f4

Nethereum UI, Metamask and Metamask Unity changes

  • Metamask Unity rename objects to include Webgl Coroutine or Task to avoid confusion. (breaking change)
  • Metamask Interceptor adding support to intercept only Signing / Wallet and Transaction methods, as an example this will enable the Metamask Unity Sdk to be used only to sign and transactions or if wanted in webgl / blazor
  • Metamask Host Provider adding to support to instantiate with a Rpc client, previously it will create a default client as other methods will not use any existing client.
  • Decoupling of the interceptor to the host provider, so the interceptor can live on its own without the top abstraction. There will be scenarios a user is only interested on MM as an interceptor as opposed to have a top abstraction to switch between providers.

Commits: 82e9bce, 2a033e8, 82d86a8,

Template samples changes and upgrades:

Nethereum.Templates.Pack: 2.0 Includes all the new updates for SmartContract, OpenZeppelin, Blazor and Siwe and nuget:
SmartContract Template: (Included in the pack) Upgrade to the latest version
Erc721, 1555 Open Zeppelin Template: (Included in the pack) Upgrade to the latest version
Blazor Metamask: (Included in the pack) Changes on dependency injection, package upgrade and small fix
Blazor Siwe: (Included in the pack) Changes on dependency injection, package upgrade

Unity3d Sample Template: Includes now Web3 / Task samples, ERC20 samples as these can work now in WebGL and all the changes for Nethereum UI / Unity
Unity3d WebGl Template: Upgrade to new version

Full Changelog: 4.13.0...4.14.0

Unity DLLs (attached)

net472UnityCommonAOT Includes all the Common used net472 AOT dlls, if you need extra libraries just copy them from net472dllsAOT.
net472dllsAOT: Includes all the net472 AOT dlls, this includes libraries like Nethereum.Geth, Nethereum.Besu etc that are not Common

netStandardMinimalWebglUnityAOT Includes a minimal set of netStandard dlls to work with webgl, it excludes libraries like Nethereum.Web3 and Nethereum.JsonRpc.RpcClient which cannot be used in webgl but instead is required to use Nethereum.Unity with coroutines.
netStandardCommonUnityAOT Includes all the Common dlls / libraries used in netstandard AOT, if you need extra libraries just copy them from netStandardUnityCommonAOT.
netStandardUnityCommonAOT Includes all the netstandard AOT dlls, this includes libraries like Nethereum.Geth, Nethereum.Besu etc that are not Common, this may include duplicated libraries like UnityEngine or Newtonsoft.Json.dll

net461dllsAOT Includes all the net461 AOT dlls, this includes libraries like Nethereum.Geth, Nethereum.Besu etc that are not Common, this may include duplicated libraries like UnityEngine or Newtonsoft.Json.dll