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Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe is a double player game played on a 3x3 grid, where each player takes turn Synchronously to occupy one spot and the first player to occupy three spots in a straight line wins otherwise the game ends with a tie in between the players.

Deployed app

Tic-Tac-Toe Deployed Link

Technologies Used

JavaScript, HTML, jQuery, Bootstrap, Flexbox, CSS, cURL

User stories

As a user in this game, I want to be able to sign-up and then sign-in. After being signed-in i want to be able play a new game by accessing 3x3 grid square. I want to be able to add X/O to the square synchronously rotating in between two players. I want the game to log win/lose/tie messages on the page after every game. After the game ends I want to be able to start a new game by pressing a new game button. I want the game to store the amount of gamesnthat has been played through a button.


Before user is signed in give access to sign up form and sign in form.

Tic-Tac-Toe Wireframe

After user is Signed-in, allow user to access change password form, sign out button, play game button (when clicked, displays the square for them to play), game stats button (when click, displays the number of games they’ve played).

Tic-Tac-Toe Wireframe

Unresolved actions

app currently runs in local server.