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This is a pytorch-implementation for the base ideas of "Patch Generation" in "COCO-GAN: Generation by Parts via Conditional Coordinating".

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        This is a pytorch-implementation for the base ideas of "Patch Generation" in "COCO-GAN: Generation by Parts via Conditional Coordinating".


        Well, we did not do an "honest" implementation such as following the network architectures introduced in the paper 😄. Instead​ 😂, we followed the base ideas "Patch Generation and Spatial Relationship + Consistency" and we implement this based on the original pytorch project for StyleGAN.
        Since of our poor English and expression skills, in the following part, we will describe HOW we establish the implementation of CoCo-GAN step by step with StyleGAN with a mixing of English and Chinese.


我们根据配置 Config/CelebA_128x128_N4M4S64.yaml 画出坐标系统。

其中N4M4 表示一个 macro patch 由 4x4 个 micro patches 组成;S64 表示一个 macro patch 的像素大小是 64x64CelebA 表示训练数据集;128x128 表示整图的大小。



  • 我们训练的配置是 Config/CelebA_128x128_N2M2S64.yaml
  • 我们从一个现有的 noise2imgGAN 开始,为了便于不同的 config 设置,需要 GeneratorDiscriminator 能够自适应超参数(e.g. macro patch size, micro patch size, ratio of macro to micro, etc.),我们选择 ProGAN,由于我之前已经非常熟悉 StyleGAN,我们在它上面一步步改进。
  1. Make sure the progressive generation on a sample dataset of CelebA(807 faces).

    ## Cmd: 
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --loss r1 --sched --mixing datasets/celeba

    (iteration: 5800, size: 8×8)


    我们只是在一个只有 806 张图像的 CelebA 子集上训练,首先我们要确保这个数据集是可用的,因此我们直接在最开始的 StyleGAN 上训练;基于经验,从上图我们就可以认为基于这个小数据集训练时可行的。

  2. Make sure the direct generation(w/o progressive) for any target size(e.g. 64×64) on the sample dataset.

    ## Cmd: 
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --loss r1 --sched --mixing datasets/celeba

    (iteration: 5200, size: 64×64)


    下面我们就要保证取消 Progressive training strategy ,直接生成目标 micro patch 大小的整图是否可行?如 32x3264x64 等。

  3. Make sure learning the patch consistency is possible.

    ## Cmd: 
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --loss r1 --sched --mixing datasets/celeba

    (iteration: 102200, size: (4, 32, 32, 3)→(1, 64, 64, 3))


    现在我们需要证明,GAN 学习 patch generationpatch consistency(即当整图分多个 patches 合成时,相邻 patches 之间的内容衔接是兼容的)。

    我们将整图均分为 4 个 patches,对应坐标为:

    [0] -> (-1.0,  1.0)
    [1] -> ( 1.0,  1.0)
    [2] -> (-1.0, -1.0)
    [3] -> ( 1.0, -1.0)
    # 我们让 noise 的 dim 为 512-2,在 510-dim 的 style vector 后面拼接上 2-dim 的坐标信息

    G 输出 4 个 micro patches 整合成一个 macro patch 后输入给 D 鉴别。

  4. Make sure learning the spatial relationship is also possible.

    # Cmd for training:
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --loss r1 --sched --mixing --path datasets/celeba --config=configs/CelebA_128x128_N2M2S64.yaml
    # Cmd for testing:
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --config=configs/CelebA_128x128_N2M2S64.yaml

    (iteration: 128600, size: (4, 32, 32, 3)→(1, 64, 64, 3))


    下面我们要证明,GAN 可以根据不同的坐标信息生成图像对应的部分而不仅仅是生成整图。

    原图 128x128,被划分为 2x2 个 macro patches(64x64);

    每个 macro patch 被划分为 2x2 个 micro patches(32x32);

    我们增加了 projection discriminator 到 StyleGAN 的鉴别器中,GD 接收的分别是 micros 和 macro 的坐标作为 condition;

    但我们还没有增加额外的 coordinate consistency loss。

    We also do the test to generate a full image.

    image-20200202184929191 image-20200202184929191
    目前为止可以保持 patch 之间的一致性,
    但是 coord 的作用还不强,
    约 1/256
    sample image

    Thus, the spatial consistency loss is necessary.

  5. Add Spatial Consistency Loss.

    现在我们希望 GAN 可以学习到生成的 micro patches 或 macro patch 与对应的 coordinate info 是严格对应的,因此我们加入 Spatial Consistency Loss

    # Cmd for training:
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --loss r1 --sched --mixing --path datasets/celeba --config=configs/CelebA_128x128_N2M2S64.yaml
    # Cmd for testing:
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --config=configs/CelebA_128x128_N2M2S64.yaml

    Trial 1

    In our first trial with coord_loss_w = 1 and code_dim = 510 + 2, the results is not so good but a bit better than the case w/o.

    sample image

    Trial 2

    Then we increase the weight subject to coord_loss_w = 10 and code_dim = 254 + 2, the results are much better.

    (Ckp: 150000.model)

    sample image
sample image sample image sample image sample image sample image sample image
sample image sample image sample image sample image sample image sample image
sample image sample image sample image sample image sample image sample image

For further experiments, we will follow continuously. (得去做毕设了😭)


[1] CoCo-GAN The official tensorflow-implementation

[2] StyleGAN The official tensorflow-implementation

[3] A pytorch-implementation for StyleGAN but we cannot find the source now.


This is a pytorch-implementation for the base ideas of "Patch Generation" in "COCO-GAN: Generation by Parts via Conditional Coordinating".






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