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This is the FrankenPunks NFT smart contract.

Updating the whitelist

  1. (One-time) Make sure your dev environment is set up with Node and NPM. Then run npm install.
  2. You will need citizens.csv, governors.csv, and peasants.csv in a data folder in the root directory. The format of these files does not matter much as long as it's a CSV with one address per row, at the start of every row (no header row).
  3. Make sure that RANKS_FROM_WORST_TO_BEST in src/constants.ts has the correct values.
  4. Run npx hardhat run scripts/writeCompactMerkleTreeData.ts. This will do two things: it will use the CSVs to generate an updated data/merkle.json file, and it will log the Merkle root to the console.
  5. The data/merkle.json file must be used in the frontend to support proof generation.
  6. The Merkle root must be updated on the contract. This can be done using the updateMerkleRoot script (see below).

Example script invocation on Rinkeby:

# Note: RINKEBY_URL and PRIVATE_KEY are also required, and can be configured through .env
export FP_ADDRESS=0x3a2B010392a31db290392057173917ABd8181958
export MERKLE_ROOT=0x50fb338d16773120c91f7c8435411c5618e6c98341b6fb5130c802b879874a9c
npx hardhat run --network rinkeby scripts/updateMerkleRoot.ts


The core NFT smart contract for Dr. Ethvil's Frankenpunks






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