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Feature Requests

PashGit edited this page Jun 24, 2015 · 10 revisions

A collection of all ideas. All Features were rejected by the Product Owner.

Must have:

  • documentation in english / filled wiki
  • search(advanced search - more search options)
  • (TRELLO) fully responsive new design
  • filter options: most recent and most changed (instead of most relevant)
  • (TRELLO) share options
  • highlights
  • (TRELLO) categories/tags
  • (TRELLO) compare all changes (compare newest to oldest version?)
  • (TRELLO) new logo
Should have:
  • rss feeds
  • most discussed changes in articles
  • comments
  • Trending - what's hot now
  • (TRELLO) division by categories/topics
  • (TRELLO) search by keyword/URL/News portal/Date - find articles & changes regarding a certain topic, order results -> biggest changes first
  • order articles
Nice to have:
  • contact form for new scrapers / request form
  • opening links in iframe to highlight the changed text
  • Chrome Plugin - to display changes on the current article I read / to signalize whether tracked changes are available for the current URL
Suggestions / Yet To Be Discussed:
  • F.A.Q. section (for easy explanation of the idea behind newsdiffs, etc.)
  • Tag Cloud via Hot Topics -> unter Entdecken "Vorschlagspielsplatz"
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