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The Nextdoor go link service

This is a Web proxy that serves user-defined shortcuts.

You can access "go links" in the browser via <gogo_host>/<your_link_slug>.

If a go link exists, it will redirect you to that link.

If a go link does not exist, it will prompt you to create that link.


Built with Flask, Python 3.6, with Postgres and Google OAuth.


  • The go/ endpoint will bring you to your personal dashboard. At the top will be the section that you can use to create your own Go links. Below that is a list of all the Go links that you've created before. Below that is a link to all Go links that your organization has created so far, in alphabetical order.
  • The go/_list endpoint will give you a list of all Go links in your organization. You can add the parameter ?limit={num} in order to contract or expand that list to a certain number of entries, even into the thousands. You can use sort=hits in order to sort on hit count instead of alphabetically. And use order=desc in that case, in order to view the links with the most hits first.
  • The go/_create endpoint will prompt you to create a new Go link, asking you to give the name and URL that you want to shortlink to. If you try to hit go/{shortname_not_used_yet}, you will be redirected to the creation page, with the name field already filled in, meaning that you only have to provide the URL.
  • The go/_delete endpoint requires the ?name={shortname} arg. This will prompt you to delete the Go link with that name.
  • The go/_edit endpoint requires the ?name={shortname} arg as well, and will prompt you to edit the Go link.
  • The go/_ajax/search endpoint requires either the name or url arg. If name is provided, the search results returned will be the ones that match closest to the name provided, as decided by the Postgres LIKE functionality. For the url field, all shortnames that map to that URL will be returned. This link is useful for seeing if someone else already created a shortname for the URL that you want to link to, so that you can adopt that shortname instead of introducing another one of your own. This endpoint currently returns the JSON of the search results.

Local development

Uses docker.

Run make db to initialize the database first.

OAuth is required. Secrets can be provided either by direct environment variables or by KMS blobs in environment variables. If using KMS, you'll need to be authenticated to AWS to decrypt the blobs. ~/.aws is volume mounted.

When ready, just run make to build and run the docker container.

The local service may be accessed at http://localhost.

PyCharm development

Set the venv built with make venv as the remote interpreter.

Environment Variables

Key Description
CONFIG The configuration to use, like DevelopmentConfig or ProductionConfig.
DATABASE_URI The full Postgres connection string, like postgresql://<username>:<password>@<hostname>/<database>
TITLE The title to display in the UI, like 'Nextdoor'. With that, it'd say Go Nextdoor.
BEHIND_PROXY If set to true, this will add middleware that will respect X-Forwarded-Proto and other proxy headers.
DISABLE_NGINX If set to anything, then Nginx will not be started up (useful if you have your own sidecar reverse proxy)

OAuth: One of Built-In Google OAuth or Header-Based Auth must be used.

If using Built-In Google OAuth:

Key Description
BASE_URL The full qualified DNS name that the server will run on, like ''.
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET Your Google Client Secret.
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET_KMS_BLOB Alternative to GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET - KMS Encrypted Google Client Secret.
HOSTED_DOMAIN The email domain to use for Google accounts, like ''.
SESSION_SECRET_KEY The secret key to encrypt the session cookie with.
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION Will be used to determine the AWS region in which to decrypt *_KMS_BLOB secrets.

If using Header-Based Auth:

What is Header-Based auth? Having a proxy in-front of the server which authenticates users somehow (like OAuth) and sends that information to the backend.


  • The header should only be included if the request is authenticated.
  • The value of the header should map to a username or email address. This value will be used to differentiate users.
Key Description
AUTH_HEADER_NAME Name of the header to delegate Auth to.