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@NiLuJe NiLuJe tagged this 21 Aug 18:13
  * A few fixes around the X/Y text offset feature that did not land in time for the rushed 1.4.0 release ;).
    This includes a slightly more aggressive pruning of bogus regions: while we previously rejected regions
    smaller or equal to 1x1, we now do that even if only one side is <= 1
    This shouldn't be an issue, because we don't really ever draw lines only 1px wide ;).
  * Thanks to a few testers (mainly @jsonora on MR), button_scan should now work pretty much everywhere except the H2O²r1
  * The fbink CLI tool now handles text being fed to it via stdin (i.e., you can now do
      dmesg | tail -n 15 | fbink
    instead of
      fbink "$(dmesg | tail -n 15)"
  * In the off-chance you'd need that for image support, that works, too, provided you set the input filename to "-"
  * There's now a very basic interactive mode to the CLI tool, accessed via the I-, --interactive flag
  * When you specify a row larger than the screen's max number of rows, instead of clamping to the final row(s),
    we now wraparound to the top of the screen.
    Lines that have been wrapped this way will end with a single black block when they don't fill a line completely,
    to make it clearer that they might have overwritten previous content.
    This should provide a somewhat better experience when piping large amounts of text, or when in interactive mode.
  * The block font now features actual smallcaps for lowercase letters, instead of being ALLCAPS ;).
Assets 2