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MZ-80B on FPGA

What is this?

This is a implementation Sharp MZ-80B/MZ-2000 series to FPGA.


  • Altera(Terasic) DE0 board
  • Quartus II (I use 13.1.4, 64bit)
  • SD, SDHC or MMC card

How to reproduction project

  1. Download zip file.
  • Create folder to build project in your PC.
  • Put these files in zip to folder.
    • logic/
    • internal_sram_hw.tcl
    • internal_sram8_hw.tcl
    • mz80b.cdf
    • mz80b.qsf
    • mz80b.sdc
    • mz80b.qpf
    • mz80b_de0.qsys
    • new.tcl
  • Start Quartus II.
  • Open project. File->Open Project...->mz80b_de0.qpf
  • Start Qsys. Tools->Qsys
  • Start Ganerate. Generate->Generate...
  • Select "VHDL" on Synthesis part, then push Generate button.
  • When generate successfully, exit Qsys. Ignore warning about CFI and uart.
  • Start Compilation at Quartus II.
  • Program to DE0 board with mz80b.pof.
  • Start NiosII EDS. Tools->Nios II Software Build Tools for Eclipse
  • When does PC ask workspace, push OK as it is.
  • Create new application and BSP. File->New->Nios II Application and BSP from Template
  • Set parameters and push Finish button.
    • SOPC Information File name:->mz80b_de0.sopcinfo
    • CPU name:->NiosII
    • Project name:->mz80b_de0_soft
    • Project template->Hello World
  • Start BSP editor to edit current BSP. NiosII->BSP Editor...
  • Select new BSP. File->New BSP... , set parameters and push OK button.
    • SOPC Information File name:->mz80b_de0.sopcinfo
    • CPU name:->NiosII
    • Operating system:->Altera HAL
    • Version:->default
    • Check off "Use default locations"
    • BSP target directory:-> mz80b_de0_soft_bsp
    • Check on "Enable Additional Tcl script"
    • Additional Tcl script:->new.tcl
  • Push Generate button and push Exit button to exit.
  • Put these files in zip(software/mz80b_de0_soft/*) to software/mz80b_de0_soft folder.
    • diskio.c
    • diskio.h
    • ff.c
    • ff.h
    • ffconf.h
    • file.c
    • file.h
    • integer.h
    • key.c
    • key.h
    • menu.c
    • menu.h
    • mz80b_de0_main.c
    • mz80b_de0_main.h
    • mzctrl.c
    • mzctrl.h
  • Delete hello_world.c.
  • At Project Explorer, expand mz80b_de0_soft, then right-click and select Refresh(F5).
  • Build project. Project->Build All
  • Program to DE0 board with mz80b_de0_soft.elf.
  • Put the files in CARD folder to SD/MMC card.
  • Set card to slot, SW5 is ON(upper), then push power-switch off-on.

Special thanks to ...


MZ-80B/MZ-2000 series implementation for Altera DE0 board






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