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Lautaro Brasseur edited this page Jun 29, 2018 · 3 revisions



The idea behind Value interface is to provide a generic way to read/write instances. It allows accessing to value type and listening for changes on it. ComplexValue add the ability to read/write values from properties. A complex value must have a complex type associated to it.

It provides typed methods for getting and setting the values. This contrasts with Java Bean approach, which is convention name based (get/set prefixes in method names). Of course, a Java Bean could be built to wrap those values (in fact, a code generation approach is planned for some time in the future).



JavaValue just wraps an object instance into a value. JavaComplexValue does the same for complex values, using reflection for reading/writing fields.

The JavaValueTests shows some examples of how to use Java types and values.


The DynamicValue is a Map based complex value that allows storing generic data using a dynamic type.

The DynamicValueTests shows some examples of how to use dynamic types and values.


You can also look at unit tests for more detailed examples.


Simple value

Value<String> value = JavaValue.of("Hi!");
assertEquals("Hi!", value.get());

assertEquals("Bye!", value.get());

value = JavaValue.of(JavaType.STRING);

value.set("Not null");
assertEquals("Not null", value.get());

You can listen for changes:

Value<String> value = JavaValue.of("Hi!");
value.addObserver(() ->
        assertEquals("Bye!", value.get())

Complex value

ComplexValue<Person> personValue = JavaComplexValue.of(new Person());

Person person = personValue.get();

assertEquals("a", personValue.get(Person.NAME).get());
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