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chore: Release something #355

chore: Release something

chore: Release something #355

Workflow file for this run

name: 'forward-merge'
- support
- master
- prerelease/minor
# Only run if:
# - branch is support/master AND the last commit was a release commit
# - branch is prerelease/*
# We don't want to run on support/master for non-release commits because that would mean the
# forward merge would run twice because every commit on master/support causes a new commit
# pushed back to the branch. So we ignore all non-release commits on support/master because
# the release workflow will commit a release commit starting with `chore: Release ...` back to
# the branch and this job will run on that commit instead. Also, forward merges that skipped
# a release
"((github.ref_name == 'support' || github.ref_name == 'master') &&
startsWith(github.event.head_commit.message, 'chore: Release')) || startsWith(github.ref_name,
'prerelease/') || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[skip release]')"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
outputs: # Output branch names for the make-pull-request job
branch: ${{steps.extract-branch.outputs.branch}}
next-branch: ${{steps.extract-next-branch.outputs.branch}}
## `github.ref` is in the form of `refs/head/{name}`. This step extracts `{name}` and saves it
## as an output for later use
- name: Extract branch name
id: extract-branch
run: |
echo "branch=$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/})" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo ${{steps.extract-branch.outputs.branch}}
- name: Extract next branch name
id: extract-next-branch
uses: Workday/canvas-kit-actions/get-next-branch@v1
branch: ${{github.ref_name}}
- name: Echo branchs
run: |
echo ${{steps.extract-branch.outputs.branch}}
echo ${{steps.extract-next-branch.outputs.branch}}
## First, we'll checkout the repository. We don't persist credentials because we need a
## Personal Access Token to push on a branch that is protected. See
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
persist-credentials: false
ref: ${{steps.extract-next-branch.outputs.branch}} # checkout the next branch
fetch-depth: 0 # Needed to do merges
- name: Test ff-only merge
run: git merge ${{ steps.extract-branch }} --ff-only
# ## A `yarn bump` will create a commit and a tag. We need to set up the git user to do this.
# ## We'll make that user be the github-actions user.
# - name: Config git user
# run: |
# git config --global "${{ }}"
# git config --global "${{ }}"
# git config --global pull.rebase false
# ## Test if forward-merge can be done ff-only to avoid unnecessary merge commits and CI time
# - name: Test fast-forward
# run: |
# git merge
# ## Push both the commit and tag created by Lerna's version command using a PAT
# - name: Push changes
# uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
# with:
# github_token: ${{ secrets.GH_RW_TOKEN }}
# branch: refs/heads/${{ steps.extract-next-branch.outputs.branch }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: failure()
needs: ['test-ff-only']
# ## First, we'll checkout the repository. We don't persist credentials because we need a
# ## Personal Access Token to push on a branch that is protected. See
# ##
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# with:
# persist-credentials: false
# fetch-depth: 0 # Needed to do merges
## `github.ref` is in the form of `refs/head/{name}`. This step extracts `{name}` and saves it
## as an output for later use
- name: Echo Branch Name
run: |
echo ${{needs.test-ff-only.outputs.branch}}
- name: Echo next branch name
run: |
echo ${{}}
# - uses: Workday/canvas-kit-actions/install@v1
# with:
# node_version: 16.x
# ## A `yarn bump` will create a commit and a tag. We need to set up the git user to do this.
# ## We'll make that user be the github-actions user.
# - name: Config git user
# run: |
# git config --global "${{ }}"
# git config --global "${{ }}"
# git config --global pull.rebase false
# ## Test if forward-merge can be done ff-only to avoid unnecessary merge commits and CI time
# - name: Test fast-forward
# id: test-fast-forward
# run: |
# echo "::set-output name=ff::$(node utils/test-fast-forward.js)"
# ## Create a merge branch
# - name: Forward merge
# if: steps.test-fast-forward.outputs.ff == 'false'
# run: node utils/forward-merge.js
# - name: Git Log
# run: git log
# # Keep steps separate for Github Actions annotation matching:
# - name: Lint
# run: yarn lint
# - name: Dependency Check
# run: yarn depcheck
# - name: Type Check
# run: yarn typecheck
# - name: Unit tests
# run: yarn test
# - name: Build Storybook
# run: yarn build-storybook --quiet
# - name: Cache Build
# id: build-cache
# uses: actions/cache/@v2
# with:
# path: docs
# key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ github.sha }}
# - name: Visual Tests
# uses: chromaui/action@main
# with:
# token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# appCode: dlpro96xybh
# storybookBuildDir: docs
# exitOnceUploaded: false
# exitZeroOnChanges: false
# ignoreLastBuildOnBranch: ${{ steps.extract-next-branch.outputs.branch }}
# debug: true
# - name: Start Server
# run: npx http-server docs -p 9001 & npx wait-on http://localhost:9001
# - name: Integration tests
# run: yarn cypress run --record --parallel --env skip_storybook_test=true # skip the Storybook test during forward merges
# env:
# # Github Actions doesn't support encryption on forks
# # If these keys become compromised, we will rotate and disable these features
# # on forked PRs until a suitable workaround is found
# CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY: 3a9347b6-36ab-4a36-823d-709f4078b148
# CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER: .cache/cypress
# ## Push both the commit and tag created by Lerna's version command using a PAT
# - name: Push changes
# uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
# with:
# github_token: ${{ secrets.GH_RW_TOKEN }}
# branch: refs/heads/${{ steps.extract-next-branch.outputs.branch }}
# make-pull-request:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# if: failure()
# needs: ['verify-merge']
# steps:
# ## If we've failed any previous step, we'll need to create a PR instead
# - uses: NicholasBoll/action-forward-merge-pr@main
# with:
# token: ${{secrets.GH_RW_TOKEN}} # use PAT to force GH Actions to run the PR verify. The regular token will not
# branches: support+master,master+prerelease/minor,prerelease/minor+prerelease/major
# prefix: 'chore: '
# body: |
# This pull request was automatically created by an automated [forward-merge job](${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}). The automated job failed automated checks and must be resolved manually.
# Reasons for failure may include:
# - Merge conflicts that cannot be automatically resolved
# - A merge resulted in check failures
# - Lint or type errors
# - Test failures
# - Unexpected visual changes
# The pull request should inform you of merge conflicts before you start if any.
# 1. Run the following commands in your terminal. If this succeeds, skip step 2. The last command will run a script that tries to merge and resolve conflicts automatically.
# ```
# git branch -D merge/${{needs.verify-merge.outputs.branch}}-into-${{ }} || true
# git fetch upstream
# git checkout merge/${{needs.verify-merge.outputs.branch}}-into-${{ }}
# git pull upstream merge/${{needs.verify-merge.outputs.branch}}-into-${{ }} -f
# node utils/forward-merge.js
# ```
# 2. If the previous step succeeded, skip to step 3. Resolve conflicts manually. Then run the following.
# ```
# git add .
# git commit -m "chore: Merge ${{needs.verify-merge.outputs.branch}} into ${{ }}"
# ```
# 3. Push the merge commit back to the pull request
# ```
# git push upstream merge/${{needs.verify-merge.outputs.branch}}-into-${{ }}
# ```
# If there were no merge conflicts, the forward-merge job failed because of a test failure. You can wait for the pull request to give errors, or you can check the logs for failures. You'll have to update code to fix errors.
# This pull request will be merged using the `merge` strategy instead of the `squash` strategy. This means any commit in the log will show in the branch's history. Any commit you make should amend the merge commit. Use the following command:
# ```
# git commit --amend --no-edit
# ```
# You must then force-push the branch and the CI will rerun verification.
# Use the `automerge` label like normal and the CI will pick the correct merge strategy.