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L. Baresi, G. Quattrocchi and N. Rasi, "Federated Machine Learning as a Self-Adaptive Problem," in 2021 International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), 2021 pp. 41-47. url:

Federated Learning Framework

The FL framework is composed by the following two components:

  • device: (client) it executes the the ML Job
  • orchestrator: it manages the devices, models and send jobs to the devices applying a control strategy. It collects and aggregates results using an aggregation strategy (such as FedAvg)


The orchestrator exploits devices for training, sending them jobs and receiving results.

A job have different purposes: get initial weights for a model, train a model, evaluate a model. The model is created (or stored) on the devices along with train and test data, while the orchestrator only store the model parameters.

Results from device are collected and aggregated using an aggregation strategy, both for train and evaluation phase.

The orchestrator is designed to support a control strategy thus the train configuration changes dynamically while the process is executed. The strategy allows to define a service level agreement (SLA) for the training phase. The orchestrator can also be used with a static configuration, thus with static train parameters.

The messages between the orchestrator and the devices are exchanged using REST over HTTP. A job is submitted to the device and the connection is closed. The device will send the result to the orchestrator when the job will be completed. Other type of network protocol can be used, exploiting the orchestrator and device APIs.

Setup and Run

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Start Orchestrator

Training parameters can be set with the following environment variables:

  • FL_ROUNDS: number of rounds of the FL protocol (R)

  • FL_EPOCHS: number of epochs for the local model training (E)

  • FL_BATCHSIZE: size of the batch for the local model training (B)

  • FL_K_FIT: fraction of clients used for model fit (training) (K_fit)

  • FL_K_EVAL: fraction of clients used for model evaluation (test) (K_eval)

  • FL_MIN: set the minimum number of devices to wait before starting the train (C).

  • FL_CONTROL: set the type of control strategy (optimizer) used for the training and should be set to one of the following values:

    • STATIC = 1
  • FL_TACCURACY: target accuracy (SLA) for the optimizer

  • FL_TROUNDS: target number of rounds (R) for the optimizer

  • FL_TNETWORK: target consumed network (UB) for the optimizer

  • FL_MODEL: model to use from the ones already available

    • "mnist"
    • "fashion_mnist"
    • "cifar10"
    • "imdb_reviews"
  • FL_EXPORT_METRICS: export training metrics at the end

  • FL_TERMINATE: terminate python processes (orchestrator and devices) at the end

export FL_ROUNDS=15 &&
export FL_EPOCHS=1 &&
export FL_BATCHSIZE=32 &&
export FL_K_FIT=1 &&
export FL_K_EVAL=1 &&
export FL_MIN=10 &&
export FL_CONTROL=3 &&
export FL_TACCURACY=0.8 &&
export FL_TROUNDS=10 &&
export FL_TNETWORK=100 &&
export FL_MODEL="mnist" &&
export FL_EXPORT_METRICS=true 
export FL_TERMINATE=true

Start Devices

A script is provided to concurrently start devices:

  • FL_NUM_DEVICES: number of devices to start (C)

  • FL_NK: number of examples to use (N)

  • FL_MODEL: model to use from the ones already available

    • "mnist"
    • "fashion_mnist"
    • "cifar10"
    • "imdb_reviews"
export FL_NUM_DEVICES=10 &&
export FL_NK=100 &&
export FL_MODEL="mnist" &&