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API for the Test aplication Target MVD from Top Tier Labs.


For every action is needed to send the Authentication Token in the HEADER in the following format:

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

(In all the exameples change elements in < > acording your needs.)

User Accounts

Sign Up

To Sign Up in the application.

In orden to create a new user account is need to create a post request to the following url.

(in this case the server is on the host)


The body should contain:

{ "user":
    "email":<email: String>,
    "password":<password: String>,
    "password_confirmation":<password: String>,
    "name":<name: String>,
    "gender":<gender: String - Enum('male','female') >,

And returns:

  "token": <token: String>,
  "email": <email: String>,
  "name": <name: String>,
  "gender": <gender: String - Enum('male','female') >,
  "user_id": <user_id: Number>


curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<Server_IP>/api/v1/users/ -d '{ "user":{ "email":"", "password":"123456789", "password_confirmation":"123456789", "name":"Nico Prueba", "gender":1}}'

Log In

There is two ways to log in in this aplication.


Is needed to send the facebook authentication token

    "type": <type: String>,
    "fb_access_token": <fb_authentication_token: String>


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ 
    "type": <type: String>,
    "fb_access_token": VALID_TOKEN
}' "http://<Server_IP>/api/v1/users/sign_in"

And returns:

  "token": <token: String>,
  "email": <email: String>,
  "user_id": <user_id: Number>,
  "name": <name: String>

With email and password

{ "user": 
    "email": <email: String>, 
    "password": <password: String>


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "user": 
    "email": <email: String>, 
    "password": <password: String> 
}' "http://<Server_IP>/api/v1/users/sign_in"

Log Out

For logging out is needed to make a DELETE request with the authenitcation token in the header in the following format:

(The authentication token in the header is the way the aplication ahutenticates the user, so its needed in every request)

X-USER-TOKEN: <token: String>,


curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-USER-TOKEN: <token>" -d '' <Server_IP>/api/v1/users/sign_out

Update user

For update user is needed to make a PUT request with the authenitcation token in the header in the following format:

{ "user":
    "email": <email: String>,
    "name": <name: String>,
    "gender": <gender: Number>


curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-USER-TOKEN: sRhya5xuGc2R8eL1FgzB" -d '{ "user":
    "email": <email: String>,
    "name": <name: String>,
    "gender": <gender: String - Enum('male','female') >
}' ""

It will returns the updated user in the following format:

  "user_id": <user_id: Number>,
  "name": <name: String>,
  "email": <email: String>,
  "authentication_token": <authentication_token: String>


(The authentication token in the header is the way the aplication ahutenticates the user, so its needed in every request)

Create a new Target

In order to create a new Target is ndeeded to create a POST request with the following format:

    "lat": <lat: Float>, 
    "lng": <lng: Float>, 
    "radius": <radius: Float>,
    "topic": <topic_id: Integer>


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-USER-TOKEN: MMGssP5gJMgrAskkioPM" -d '{"target": 
    "lat": <lat: Number>, 
    "lng": <lng: Number>, 
    "radius": <radius: Number>,
    "topic_id": <topic_id: Number>
}' "http://<Server_IP>/api/v1/users/1/targets"

It will returns the created target with the following format:

  "target": {
    "id": <target_id: Number>,
    "latitud": <latitud: Number>,
    "longitud": <longitud: Number>,
    "radius": <radius: Number>,
    "topic": <topic: Topic>
  "compatible": [
        "id": <target_id: Number>,
        "latitud": <latitud: Number>,
        "longitud": <longitud: Number>,
        "user": <user_id: Number>,
        "id": <target_id: Number>,
        "latitud": <latitud: Number>,
        "longitud": <longitud: Number>,
        "user": <user_id: Number>,

See my existent Targets

In order to access to the list of targuets from a user sending a GET request to the following url:



curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-USER-TOKEN: MMGssP5gJMgrAskkioPM" ""

This request will return a list of the targets with the following format:

  "targets": [
      "latitud": <latitud: Number>,
      "longitud": <longitud: Number>,
      "radius": <radius: Number>,
      "topic": <topic: String>
      "latitud": <latitud: Number>,
      "longitud": <longitud: Number>,
      "radius": <radius: Number>,
      "topic": <topic label>

Update an existing Target

In order to update an existing target from a user is need to send a PUT request to the following url:


With the following format:

    "lat":<latitud: Number>, 
    "lng":<longitud: Number>, 
    "radius": <radius: Number>,
    "topic": <topic_id: Number>


curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-USER-TOKEN: MMGssP5gJMgrAskkioPM" -d '{"target": 
    "lat": <lat: Number>, 
    "lng": <lng: Number>, 
    "radius": <radius: Number>,
    "topic": <topic: Number>
}' "http://<Server_IP>/api/v1/users/1/targets/6/"

It will returns the updated target with the following format:

  "target": {
    "id": <target_id: Number>,
    "latitud": <latitud: Number>,
    "longitud": <longitud: Number>,
    "radius": <radius: Number>,
    "topic": <topic: String>
  "compatible": [
        "id": <target_id: Number>,
        "latitud": <latitud: Number>,
        "longitud": <longitud: Number>,
        "user": <user_id: Number>,
        "id": <target_id: Number>,
        "latitud": <latitud: Number>,
        "longitud": <longitud: Number>,
        "user": <user_id: Number>,

Delete an existing Target

In order to delete an existing target from a user is need to send a DELETE request to the following url:



curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-USER-TOKEN: MMGssP5gJMgrAskkioPM" -d '' <Server_IP>/api/v1/users/1/targets/27/

It will returns the updated target with the following format:

  "target": {
    "id": <target_id: Number>,
    "latitud": <latitud: Number>,
    "longitud": <longitud: Number>,
    "radius": <radius: Number>,
    "topic": <topic: String>


(The authentication token in the header is the way the aplication ahutenticates the user, so its needed in every request)

Every user can access to the list of aviables topics sending a GET request to the following url:



curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-USER-TOKEN: MMGssP5gJMgrAskkioPM" "http://<Server_IP>/api/v1/topics"

This returns the new target with a list of others targets wich had matched:

  "topics": [
      "topic_id=": <topic_id: Number>,
      "label=": <label: String>
      "topic_id=": <topic_id: Number>,
      "label=": "<label: String>,
      "icon": <icon_url: Url>


(The authentication token in the header is the way the aplication ahutenticates the user, so its needed in every request)

List Matches

Every user can access to the list matches sending a GET request to the following url:



curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-USER-TOKEN: sRhya5xuGc2R8eL1FgzB" ""

This returns the new target with a list of others targets wich had matched:

  "matches": [
      "match_id": <match_id: Number>,
      "topic": <topic: Number>,
      "user": {
        "id": <id: Number>,
        "email": <email: String>,
        "authentication_token": <authentication_token: String>,
        "facebook_id": <facebook_id: String>,
        "created_at": <created_at: String>,
        "updated_at": <updated_at: String>,
        "gender": <gender: String - Enum('male','female') >,
        "name": <name: String>,
        "image": {
          "url": <url: Url>
      "channel_id": <channel_id: String>,
      "unread": <unread: Number>,
      "last_message": []

Close conversation

The aplication will send reveived messagas to an user who has the chat view opend. When an user close the chat view it must send a request to notify the aplication that he stopped reading messages. This request should be a POST request to the following url:

<Server_IP>/api/v1/users/<User_Id>/match_conversations/< Match_id >/close


And it should return a JSON with this format:

  "match_id": <match_id: Number>,
  "topic": <topic: Number>,
  "user": {
    "id": <id: Number>,
    "email": <email: String>,
    "authentication_token": <authentication_token: String>,
    "facebook_id": <facebook_id: String>,
    "created_at": <created_at: String>,
    "updated_at": <updated_at: String>,
    "gender": <gender: String - Enum('male','female') >,
    "name": <name: String>,
    "image": {
      "url": <url: Url>
  "last_logout": <last_logout: String>


(The authentication token in the header is the way the aplication ahutenticates the user, so its needed in every request)

Create a new Message

In order to create a new Message is ndeeded to create a POST request with the following format:

    "text": <text: String>


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-USER-TOKEN: sRhya5xuGc2R8eL1FgzB" -d '{"message": 
    "text": <text: String>
}' ""

It will returns the created message with the following format:

  "id": <id: Number>,
  "sender": <sender: Number>,
  "receiver": <receiver: Number>,
  "text": <text: String>

List all Messages for a Conversation

In order to access to the list of Messages from a conversation is needed to send a GET request to the following url:



curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-USER-TOKEN: sRhya5xuGc2R8eL1FgzB" ""

This request will return a list of the messages with the following format:

  "messages": [
      "id": <id: Number>,
      "sender": <sender: Number>,
      "receiver": <receiver: Number>,
      "text": <text: String>


API for Target_MVD.






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