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Directed graphs in Lean

This is adapted for Lean 3.23.0 based on Nick Scheel's gist:

Scheel formalized the watershed condition for a directed graph based on a 2018 midterm exam in Prof. Darij Grinber's Math 4707 class at the University of Minnesota, briefly:

def arcT (V : Type) : Type := V × V

structure digraph (V E : Type) : Type :=
  mk :: (φ : E → arcT V)

1) Constructing examples of directed graphs

To construct a directed graph, we need three things:

  • A type V of vertices
  • A type E of edges
  • A mapping E → arcT V

1.1) Defining V and E as subsets of strings

See src/data-as-subsets.lean

1.2) Defining V and E as subtypes of strings

See src/data-as-subsets.lean

2) Constructing a mapping

A single-edge mapping seems ok; however, the following definition is incorrect because it is not a total function for all possible values of eT:

def phi1: eT → arcT vT
| e1 := arc1

However, defining a total function on eT produces errors:

def phi2: eT → arcT vT
| e1 := arc1
| e2 := arc2
| e3 := arc3

Error on the 2nd line is:

equation compiler error, equation #2 has not been used in the compilation, note that the left-hand-side of equation #1 is a variable


Convenience constructor for an instance of a subset or subtype

  • Q1 How can we write a convenience constructor for vt_a,... vt_d below?
def vs : list string := ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
def isV (s: string) : Prop := s ∈ vs
def vT := {s:string // isV s}

def vt_a : vT := ⟨ "a", begin refine list.nth_mem _, let n := 0, exact n, exact rfl, enddef vt_b : vT := ⟨ "b", begin refine list.nth_mem _, let n := 1, exact n, exact rfl, enddef vt_c : vT := ⟨ "c", begin refine list.nth_mem _, let n := 2, exact n, exact rfl, enddef vt_d : vT := ⟨ "d", begin refine list.nth_mem _, let n := 3, exact n, exact rfl, end
  • Q2: How can I define a mapping properly with the equation compiler?
def phi2: eT → arcT vT
| e1 := arc1
| e2 := arc2
| e3 := arc3
  • Q3: How to verify propositions?

For example, the library defines:

def has_arc
    {V E : Type} (G : digraph V E)
    (v1 v2 : V) : Prop :=
        ∃ (e : E), G.φ e = v1 v2

The following is not very helpful because it just says the expression has type Prop:

#check has_arc g1 vt_a

Is there a way to evaluate what the proposition is?


Directed graphs in Lean






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