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Click Event and Listener

Weiping Huang edited this page Mar 28, 2017 · 7 revisions

Listener for clicking each button or animation-states. Check the demo for more details.

Listener in Each Builder

You can add a simple listener for each boom-button by adding listeners to each builder of them.

for (int i = 0; i < bmb.getPiecePlaceEnum().pieceNumber(); i++) {
    SimpleCircleButton.Builder builder = new SimpleCircleButton.Builder()
            .listener(new OnBMClickListener() {
                public void onBoomButtonClick(int index) {
                    // When the boom-button corresponding this builder is clicked.
                    Toast.makeText(SimpleCircleButtonActivity.this, "Clicked " + index, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Listener for BMB

If you want to manager all the click events in a method, you can use OnBoomListener / OnBoomListenerAdapter:

// Use OnBoomListener to listen all methods
bmb.setOnBoomListener(new OnBoomListener() {
    public void onClicked(int index, BoomButton boomButton) {
        // If you have implement listeners for boom-buttons in builders,
        // then you shouldn't add any listener here for duplicate callbacks.

    public void onBackgroundClick() {
        textViewForAnimation.setText("Click background!!!");

    public void onBoomWillHide() {
        textViewForAnimation.setText("Will RE-BOOM!!!");

    public void onBoomDidHide() {
        textViewForAnimation.setText("Did RE-BOOM!!!");

    public void onBoomWillShow() {
        textViewForAnimation.setText("Will BOOM!!!");

    public void onBoomDidShow() {
        textViewForAnimation.setText("Did BOOM!!!");

Or in OnBoomListenerAdapter(Optional listener):

// Use OnBoomListenerAdapter to listen part of methods
bmb.setOnBoomListener(new OnBoomListenerAdapter() {
    public void onBoomWillShow() {
        // logic here

State of BMB

Get the states of BMB by:

bmb.isBoomed();    // Whether the BMB is boomed.
bmb.isReBoomed();  // Whether the BMB is re-boomed.

Re-boom BMB When Back-Button is Clicked

BMB will re-boom when it's boomed and back-button is clicked. If you don't want this happen:


Or in xml:


Notice that BMB will requestFocus when it's going to boom. So if you need to take the focus back, you should use requestFocus for your own view.