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RedWiggler contract testing plugin

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Plugin to integrate RedWiggler in a gradle build.


This plugin requires gradle 2.9 or greater.

Add to the Classpath of Gradle Build Script

Add the library 'redwiggler-gradle-plugin' to the classpath of gradle build script

        classpath '<version>'

Apply Plugin

    apply plugin: ''

Finalized by

To run redwiggler when another task finishes:

    task integrationTest {
        finalizedBy tasks.redwiggler

Provided Tasks

The plugin adds the following task:

  • redwiggler: runs the contract test report based on the locations of the markdown and test results
  • redwigglerGenerateClasspath: generated the classpath for redwiggler to run
  • redwigglerEndpointSpecificationProvider: creates the endpoint specification provider


The configuration block is called "redwiggler" and accepts the following configurations:

Property Name Description Default Value
swaggerFile The location of the swagger.yaml file. ./swagger.yaml
dataDirectory The directory where test results are logged. build/redwiggler-data
output The directory where the test report should be saved. build/redwiggler.html
toolVersion The version of RedWiggler to use. 0.5.1
scalaVersion The version of scala to use. 2.11


To release, tag version and version to new version. To release to bintray:

./gradlew bintrayUpload