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This is a simple Docker-based environment for developing a FHIR->PFB service. The idea is to have a webservice that can act as a proxy for a given FHIR server. Searches can go through this proxy services and the FHIR server's response will be aggregated and converted to PFB for use in workspace environments that understand PFB, such as Terra.

For now we have a standalone Python script that will connect with a FHIR server (namely the FHIR server on Google that Nimbus is using to test load synthetic COVID data) and do a conversion to a PFB.

TODO Items

See the Technical Guidelines doc from NCPI, we'll do design work there and link to GitHub issues where it makes sense.


The Docker compose configuration and coding environment is inspired by, and forked from, this blog post:

🐳 Simplified guide to using Docker for local development environment

The blog link :

Running the Docker Container as a Dev Environment

To run the example:

  • git clone
  • docker-compose up
  • or docker-compose up -d if you want to avoid console output
  • or docker-compose up --build if you want to force rebuilding of the Docker image

Details about each service and how to run them is present in the individual services directories.

Connecting to Python Dev Environment

Once you launch with docker-compose up you can login in to the Python service container using:

# connect from your host machine
$> ./

now within the container I'm running as root and in the ~/py1 directory
# which is the directory containing the flask app
root@02d2b8fce3af:~/py1# whoami

# now if I go to ~/py-dev it contains the working directory with my scripts
root@02d2b8fce3af:~# cd ~/py-dev/
root@02d2b8fce3af:~/py-dev# ls

Code Organization

I've reorganized the services into the services directory and the working directory contains the scripts and is mounted and shared across the docker containers when run.

FHIR -> PFB Python Script

Eventually this will be made into a service running on the sample Python server below. But for now we're working on a FHIR->PFB script. It's located in working/scripts. You can run it with the following command from within the python dev environment you connected to above.
Make sure you replace the FHIR server URL with a valid server:

Running a query on a Google FHIR Server

See the instructions below for logging in and setting up your Google cloud credentials.

%> python3 --fhir_server  --token $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token) --query "Condition?_count=25&code:text=covid" --gcs_bucket nimbus-pfb-test

Using a list of patient URIs on a Google FHIR Server

See the instructions below for logging in and setting up your Google cloud credentials.

Update the file sample_fhir_ids_input.json and fill in the values for fhir_server_base_uri and ids.

%> python3 --file sample_fhir_ids_input.json --token $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token) --gcs_bucket nimbus-pfb-test

Running a query on dbGaP FHIR Server

The dbGaP FHIR Server is not under access control, so no credentials are needed.

%> python3 --fhir_server --query "Observation?code=triglycerides_1" --gcs_bucket nimbus-pfb-test

Running a query on NCPI DEV FHIR Server

See the instructions below to Setup Access with the NCPI FHIR Server

%> python3 --fhir_server --query "Condition?code:text=Pulmonary%20stenosis&_format=json" --gcs_bucket nimbus-pfb-test --cookies '{ "AWSELBAuthSessionCookie-0": "YOURCOOKIE"}'

Using a list of patient URIs on NCPI DEV FHIR Server

See the instructions below to Setup Access with the NCPI FHIR Server

%> python3 --file sample_fhir_ids_input_kf.json --gcs_bucket nimbus-pfb-test --cookies '{ "AWSELBAuthSessionCookie-0": "YOURCOOKIE"}'

Make a new PFB Schema

You do this if you need to modify the schema of the PFB.

%> pfb from -o minimal_schema.avro dict minimal_file.json

Python Version

See the official python images on DockerHub as well as the releases of Debian. I'm using Debian Buster and Python 3 as the basis for the Python environment that gets launched:


It's probably a good idea to use a specific version number of Python when writing real scripts/services.

Basic Python Server

The flask server is running on http://localhost:9000 and just returns "Hello from py1"

This will eventually be the place where we can prototype the FHIR to PFB proxy service.

Working with a Google FHIR Server

So far our prototyping has been on the Google FHIR server. To use this server you need to 1) setup/login to your service account in the Docker container and 2) give that service account (or your primary account) access to the FHIR server running on Google.

Setup Google Cloud SDK Using Service Account

Once you've logged into the Docker container that you'll use as your dev environment you need to run:

%> gcloud init

That will walk you through authorizing your SDK with whatever google cloud account and project you want to use.

You may need to then setup a service account running on this container:

%> gcloud iam service-accounts create boconnor-service-account-1
Created service account [boconnor-service-account-1].

%> gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding my-project --member="" --role="roles/owner"

%> mkdir ~/.keys

%> gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/.keys/boconnor-service-account-1.json

You can see the google cloud docs for more information on this process.

You need to add that service account to the permissions on your FHIR server.

Setup Google Cloud SDK without Service Account

I just did the following:

%> gcloud auth application-default login

And that wrote a file with my credentials: /root/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json

Loading a PFB Into Terra

Now that you've generated a PFB how do you use it in the Terra environment?

You need to:

  1. host the PFB file on a google bucket
  2. load the PFB in Terra using

Setup Access with the NCPI FHIR Server

Here are specific instructions for accessing the NCPI FHIR Server. You will need to save the cookie from the FHIR server in order to use the FHIR to PFB script.