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Welcome to the AndrejGround, my portfolio website project.

Short story about AndrejGround

It started as a simple HTML | CSS | JS landing page back in 2020. Here's the code, and the link to that project.

One year later (2021), I decided to recreate that idea, take it to the NEXT (JS) level, so to say, and also buy the domain. Initial technologies used back then were : Next JS | Material UI(^4) | JavaScript | CSS | Mongo DB.

Another year later (2022), I made some more changes/updates in terms of technologies, file naming/structure and visual design. New technologies and tools in this version: Next JS(^12) | TypeScript | React(^18) | Tailwind-CSS | Material UI(^5) | SCSS, some custom react-hooks, a lot of performance and search engine optimization and a ton of code cleanup.


AndrejGround is hosted on Vercel, at