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Wren Logger

Inspired on Swift Log

Its central function is to emit log messages using one of the methods corresponding to a log level.

The most basic usage of a Logger is

  • Example:
import "domepunk/utils/logging" for Logger
var label = "domepunk.test.logger"
var logger ="Hello World!")
  • Since: 1.0.0


Get or set the configured log handler. Defaults to SystemPrintLogHandler

Get or set the configured log label. An identifier of the creator of this Logger. Defaults to System.Logger.

Get or set the configured log level.

Creates a new Logger with specified label and handler.

  • Signature: construct new(label:String?, handler:LogHandler?) -> Logger

Log a message passing with the level log level.

If level is at least as severe as the Logger's log level, it will be logged, otherwise nothing will happen.

  • Signature: trace(message:String, metadata:Map?, file:String?, function:String?, line:Num?) -> Void
  • Parameters:
    • message: The message to be logged. message can be used with any string interpolation literal.
    • metadata: optional One-off metadata to attach to this log message
    • file: optional The file this log message originates from.
    • function: optional The function this log message originates from.
    • line: optional The line this log message originates from.

Log a message passing with the LogLevel.trace log level.

If .trace is at least as severe as the Logger's logLevel, it will be logged, otherwise nothing will happen.

  • Signature: trace(message:String, metadata:Map?, file:String?, function:String?, line:Num?) -> Void
  • Parameters:
    • message: The message to be logged. message can be used with any string interpolation literal.
    • metadata: optional One-off metadata to attach to this log message
    • file: optional The file this log message originates from.
    • function: optional The function this log message originates from.
    • line: optional The line this log message originates from.

Log a message passing with the LogLevel.debug log level.

If .debug is at least as severe as the Logger's logLevel, it will be logged, otherwise nothing will happen.

  • Signature: debug(message:String, metadata:Map?, file:String?, function:String?, line:Num?) -> Void
  • Parameters:
    • message: The message to be logged. message can be used with any string interpolation literal.
    • metadata: optional One-off metadata to attach to this log message
    • file: optional The file this log message originates from.
    • function: optional The function this log message originates from.
    • line: optional The line this log message originates from.

Log a message passing with the log level.

If .info is at least as severe as the Logger's logLevel, it will be logged, otherwise nothing will happen.

  • Signature: info(message:String, metadata:Map?, file:String?, function:String?, line:Num?) -> Void
  • Parameters:
    • message: The message to be logged. message can be used with any string interpolation literal.
    • metadata: optional One-off metadata to attach to this log message
    • file: optional The file this log message originates from.
    • function: optional The function this log message originates from.
    • line: optional The line this log message originates from.

Log a message passing with the LogLevel.notice log level.

If .notice is at least as severe as the Logger's logLevel, it will be logged, otherwise nothing will happen.

  • Signature: notice(message:String, metadata:Map?, file:String?, function:String?, line:Num?) -> Void
  • Parameters:
    • message: The message to be logged. message can be used with any string interpolation literal.
    • metadata: optional One-off metadata to attach to this log message
    • file: optional The file this log message originates from.
    • function: optional The function this log message originates from.
    • line: optional The line this log message originates from.

Log a message passing with the LogLevel.warning log level.

If .warning is at least as severe as the Logger's logLevel, it will be logged, otherwise nothing will happen.

  • Signature: warning(message:String, metadata:Map?, file:String?, function:String?, line:Num?) -> Void
  • Parameters:
    • message: The message to be logged. message can be used with any string interpolation literal.
    • metadata: optional One-off metadata to attach to this log message
    • file: optional The file this log message originates from.
    • function: optional The function this log message originates from.
    • line: optional The line this log message originates from.

Log a message passing with the LogLevel.error log level.

If .error is at least as severe as the Logger's logLevel, it will be logged, otherwise nothing will happen.

  • Signature: error(message:String, metadata:Map?, file:String?, function:String?, line:Num?) -> Void
  • Parameters:
    • message: The message to be logged. message can be used with any string interpolation literal.
    • metadata: optional One-off metadata to attach to this log message
    • file: optional The file this log message originates from.
    • function: optional The function this log message originates from.
    • line: optional The line this log message originates from.

Log a message passing with the LogLevel.critical log level.

If .critical is at least as severe as the Logger's logLevel, it will be logged, otherwise nothing will happen.

  • Signature: critical(message:String, metadata:Map?, file:String?, function:String?, line:Num?) -> Void
  • Parameters:
    • message: The message to be logged. message can be used with any string interpolation literal.
    • metadata: optional One-off metadata to attach to this log message
    • file: optional The file this log message originates from.
    • function: optional The function this log message originates from.
    • line: optional The line this log message originates from.

The log level. Log levels are ordered by their severity, with .trace being the least severe and .critical being the most severe.


Disable all logging

Appropriate for messages that contain information only when debugging a program.

Appropriate for messages that contain information normally of use only when debugging a program.

  • Alias: log

Appropriate for informational messages.

Appropriate for conditions that are not error conditions, but that may require special handling.

Appropriate for messages that are not error conditions, but more severe than .notice.

Appropriate for error conditions.

Appropriate for critical error conditions that usually require immediate attention.

Level Name

  • Signature: name:String

Level Severity

  • Signature: severity:Num

A LogHandler is an implementation of a logging backend.


Get or set the entire metadata storage as a map.

Get or set the configured log level. Defaults to

This method is called when a LogHandler must emit a log message. There is no need for the LogHandler to check if the level is above or below the configured logLevel as Logger already performed this check and determined that a message should be logged.

  • Signature: log(level: LogLevel, message: Logger.Message, metadata: Logger.Metadata?, file: String?, function: String?, line: Num?)
  • Parameters:
    • level: The log level the message was logged at.
    • message: The message to log. To obtain a String representation call message.description.
    • metadata: The metadata associated to this log message.
    • file: The file the log message was emitted from.
    • function: The function the log line was emitted from.
    • line: The line the log message was emitted from.

A Log Handler that use System.print()

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