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Note- My partner's implementation (Aman's git repository) has been added as a git submodule in my repository, so in order to get his code in my repo, execute this after doing 'git clone'-

git submodule update --init --recursive

For the sequential consistency and dist sorting dsm based implementation (without malloc), refer to Aman's repo (works more reliably than mine).
For the dsm based implementation specific to malloc (just for testing the basic test that has been added), word count and k-means, refer to my repo.


Distributed mutual locks-

The mutex folder is for the mutual exclusion portion of the implementation.
The single_system implementation is for running multiple nodes with different ports on a single system, as opposed to running multiple nodes on different systems with the same port on all these systems, which is contained in the multiple_systems implementation
In the application based mutual exclusion implementation, according to the updated version which supports dealing with multiple locks, psu_init_lock for all locknos shared between all the nodes must be done at each node at the start of the application for distributed locking to work properly i.e. be functionally correct. This means that the application needs to have knowledge of how many locks it would need throughout its execution beforehand.

Distributed shared memory system-

The two test application codes are in the seq_consistency and dist_sorting folders. Within the dist_sorting folder, the dist_sorting_generated_files contains the actual output file and the terminal output (because of DEBUG mode on) obtained for all the running hosts in case of a successful execution.
The dsm malloc implementation is in a separate folder called seq_consistency_with_malloc, containing another subfolder having a file which has the terminal output of a successful execution (similar to what has been explained above).

Map reduce framework-

The implementation is in the word_count folder. Within this folder, the word_count_generated_files contains the correct intermediate and final output, along with the terminal output obtained for a successful execution.

K-means on map reduce-

The code is in the k_means folder. Within this folder, the k_means_generated_files contains the correct intermediate output, along with the terminal output obtained for a successful execution.


To build in all implementations, run-


This is all that is required.

Note- In implementation folders which have cmake related files (, the cmake and cmake/build folder, and CMakeLists.txt) kindly ignore all these files.


Note- Keep DEBUG flag in the header files set to 1 for verbose output.

Distributed mutex locks-

In all hostnames present in the node_list except the last one, to run a node on each of these hosts-


Distributed shared memory system-

Sequential consistency

Run in this order only (for now)-


Note- For the seq consistency test using malloc, follow the same execution order as above.

Merge sort

Run in either orders only (for now)-

./app1 0 2
./app1 1 2


./app1 1 2
./app1 0 2

Note- If more than two processes are used, follow either increasing or decreasing order of execution as above (this has not been tested yet though).

Map reduce framework-

Note- Only the first test case has been tried yet. Files for the test case to be mentioned/edited within

Run in either orders only (for now)-

./app1 0 3
./app1 1 3
./app1 2 3


./app1 2 3
./app1 1 3
./app1 0 3

Note- More than three processes have not been tried as of now.

K-means on map reduce-

Note- Only the first test case has been tried yet. Files for the test case to be mentioned/edited within

Run in either orders only (for now)-

./app1 0 4
./app1 1 4
./app1 2 4
./app1 3 4


./app1 3 4
./app1 2 4
./app1 1 4
./app1 0 4

Note- Only 4 processes are required in this case.


PSU CSE 511 Operating Systems Design Course Project 2








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