Fun is a fun interpreted programming language inspired by Lox.
It supports:
- Basic mathematical operations (
) - Builtin mathematical functions (
) - Parenthesis
- Unary operators (
) - Print/Show output (
) - Boolean values (
) - Comparison operators (
) - Logical operators (
) - Variables
- Optional mutability of variables
- Variable scoping
- User defined functions
statements in functions - Control flow (
) -
statements - User input (
) - Importing other files (
) - Prepositional logic (premises, validation of statements, rules of inference, etc.) (real shit)
Install Java 21 or above.
Get the
file from the releases -
Run the following command:
java -jar fun.jar <path_to_your_code_file>
Basic stuff
let a = 6; let b = 9; show a + b + a * b; show (2 + -3) * (5 + 4) ** 2; # u can use parenthesis or the `**` operator for exponentiation
69 -81
Boolean values and comparisons and logical operations
let a = 123; let b = 456; show a == b; show not (a == b); # there is no `!=` show a >= b; show a > b; show a <= b; show a < b; let x = true; let y = untrue; # same as false lol show x or y; # true show x and y; # false
false true false false true true true false
Variable scope
let a = 123; { let a = 456; show a; # 456 let b = 69; } show a; # 123 show b; # error! `b` is not defined
456 123 [line 10] ERROR: Variable `b` is not defined.
Variable mutability
let a = 123; let mut b = 456; b = b + 1; show b; # 457 a = a + 1; # error! `a` is not mutable
457 [line 7] ERROR: Variable `a` is not mutable.
Control flow
let a = 123; let b = 456; if a > b { show 1; } else { show 2; } let mut i = 0; while i <= 5 { show i; i = i + 1; } # for loop is just a while loop with a fancy syntax for i from 0 to 5 { show i; } # exponential for loop for i from 1 to 10000 by i { show i; }
2 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192
User input
let a = get; # Gets a number from the user (value is NULL if user entered a non-number) show a; if a == NULL { show -1; } else { show 1; }
fn tower_of_hanoi (count, start, mid, end) { if count == 1 { show start, end; } else { tower_of_hanoi(count - 1, start, end, mid); tower_of_hanoi(1, start, mid, end); tower_of_hanoi(count - 1, mid, start, end); } } tower_of_hanoi(get, 1, 2, 3);
3 (input) 1 3 1 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 3
- This is similar to BNF
- Also inspired from:
program -> declaration* EOF;
block -> "{" declaration* "}";
declaration -> functionDeclaration | variableDeclaration | statement;
statement -> expressionStatement | printStatement | ifStatement | whileStatement | forStatement | block;
functionDeclaration -> "fn" function ";";
function -> IDENTIFIER "(" parameters? ")" block;
variableDeclaration -> "let" ("mut")? IDENTIFIER "=" expression ";";
expressionStatement -> expression ";";
printStatement -> "print" expression ( "," expression )* ";";
ifStatement -> "if" expression statement ("else" statement)?;
whileStatement -> "while" expression statement;
forStatement -> "for" IDENTIFIER "from" expression "to" expression ("by" expression)? statement;
expression -> assignment;
assignment -> (IDENTIFIER "=" assignment) | logic_or;
logic_or -> logic_and ("or" logic_and)*;
logic_and -> equality ("and" equality)*;
equality -> comparison (("==") comparison)*;
comparison -> term ((">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=") term)*;
term -> factor (( "+" | "-" ) factor)*;
factor -> pow (( "/" | "*" | "%" ) pow)*;
pow -> unary ("**" unary)*;
unary -> (("-" | NOT) unary) | call;
call -> primary ("(" arguments? ")")*;
arguments -> expression ("," expression)*
primary -> NUMBER | "(" expression ")" | IDENTIFIER | TRUE | FALSE | GET | NULL;