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A simple JavaScript alert manager.


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A simple JavaScript alert manager.

Changes in this fork:


  • Added classes to all items to allow customization


  • When an alert is created WITHOUT buttons, "clickOutsideDismiss" behavior is ALWAYS true to allow closing the dialog box


  • function "clickOutsideDismiss" renamed to "setClickOutsideDismiss" and changed default value to false


  • Added function "clickOutsideDismiss" to allow changing clicking outside behavior


  • Clicking outside the dialog doesn't dismiss the dialog
  • Buttons only react when clicked with left button
  • Solved a legacy dependency problem in package.json

Use from the browser

The simplest way to use from the browser is to include the minified script:

<script src=""></script>

Use from Node

To use this library in your node web app, first install the dependency:

npm install --save js-alert2

Then you can use it in your project:

var JSAlert = require("js-alert2");


Static Methods (called on JSAlert class) Params
alert(text, title, icon, closeText) string text The text shown in alert
string title The title for the alert. Default: ""
null|boolean|string icon Icon for the alert box. If set to false no icon is shown, if set to null, default (Information) icon is shown. If used as string, it's a base 64 image string. There are some inbuilt icons that can be referenced with a variable (see Icons below). Default: null
string closeText Text for alert box button, default: Close
confirm(text, title, icon, acceptText, rejectText) string text The text shown in alert
string title The title for the alert. Default: ""
null|boolean|string icon Icon for the alert box. If set to false no icon is shown, if set to null, default (Question) icon is shown. If used as string, it's a base 64 image string. There are some inbuilt icons that can be referenced with a variable (see Icons below). Default: null
string acceptText Text for alert box 'Accept' button, default: Ok
string rejectText Text for alert box 'Cancel' button, default: Cancel
prompt(text, defaultText, placeholderText, title, icon, acceptText, rejectText) string text The text shown in alert
string defaultText default value for alert input box. Default: ""
string placeholderText text shown as alert input box placeholder. Default: ""
string title The title for the alert. Default: ""
null|boolean|string icon Icon for the alert box. If set to false no icon is shown, is set to null default (Question) icon is show. If used as string, it's a base 64 image string. There are some inbuilt icons that can be referenced with a variable (see Icons below). Default: null
string acceptText Text for alert box 'Accept' button, default: Ok
string rejectText Text for alert box 'Cancel' button, default: Cancel
loader(text, cancelable) string text The text shown in loader box
boolean cancelable whether the loader box can be closed by user or not
Methods (called on a JSAlert object) Description Params
setIcon(icon) Sets an icon for the alert string icon either a URL or one of JSAlert.Icons strings
addButton(text, value, type) Adds a button. Returns a Promise that is called if the button is clicked string text The button text
string value The value sent to promise function when button is pressed
string type Type of the button, e.g: 'cancel', 'normal', 'default'
addTextField(value, type, placeholderText) Adds a text field. Returns a Promise that will be called when the dialog is dismissed, but not cancelled. string value The initial value of input control
string type Type of input control e.g: 'text', 'password', 'checkbox', ...
string placeholderText placeholder text shown in control
getTextFieldValue(index) Gets a text field's value int index index of input control to get value from
show() Shows the alert
then(func) A 'then' function, to allow chaining with Promises function func a function to be called when alert is closed
dismiss(result) Dismisses the alert boolean result value sent to promise function when closing the alert
dismissIn(time) Dismisses the alert some time in the future int time milliseconds to wait after dismissing the alert
setClickOutsideDismiss(value) Set behavior when clicking outside alert boolean value if set to true, clicking outside the alert box will dismiss the alert box. Default: false

Usage examples

// Show a plain alert
JSAlert.alert("This is an alert.");
// Show an alert with a title and custom dismiss button
JSAlert.alert("Your files have been saved successfully.", "Files Saved", null, "Got it");
// Show an alert with a title and no icon
JSAlert.alert("Alert with no icon.", "The title", false);
// Show multiple alerts (alerts are automatically queued)
JSAlert.alert("This is the first alert.");
JSAlert.alert("This is the second alert.");
JSAlert.alert("This is the third and final alert.");
// Automatically dismiss alert
JSAlert.alert("This will only last 10 seconds").dismissIn(1000 * 10);
// Event when dismissed
JSAlert.alert("This one has an event listener!").then(function() {
    console.log("Alert dismissed!");
// Show a confirm alert
JSAlert.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this file?").then(function(result) {

    // Check if pressed yes
    if (!result)
    // User pressed yes!
    JSAlert.alert("File deleted!");

// Create an alert with custom buttons and 'Deleted' icon
var alert = new JSAlert("My text", "My title");
alert.addButton("Yes").then(function() {
    console.log("Alert button Yes pressed");
alert.addButton("No").then(function() {
    console.log("Alert button No pressed");
// Create an alert that closes (dismisses) when clicking outside
var alert = new JSAlert("My text", "My title");
alert.addButton("Close", null);


Const string Icon
JSAlert.Icons.Information Information
JSAlert.Icons.Question Question
JSAlert.Icons.Success Success
JSAlert.Icons.Warning Warning
JSAlert.Icons.Failed Failed
JSAlert.Icons.Deleted Deleted

Building the library

To create a minified build of this library, run this:

npm run build

A built version of the library will be saved to the dist folder.


A simple JavaScript alert manager.







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  • JavaScript 81.6%
  • HTML 18.4%