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This shopping app is a task from HNG11 stage 1.


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Products screen Checkout screen Order Successful screen


  • Shows list of products in a shop
  • Add/remove products to/from cart
  • Automatically sums up cart items and displays it in details
  • Checkout cart items


  • This project was built with only native functionalities and components and no third-party library or plugins.

  • It has three screens:

    • Products screen shows a list of products/items (statically) in a shop.
    • Checkout screen displays a checkout button and the products added to cart for checkout.
    • Order Successful screen is displayed after checking out cart items.
  • Optimized apk to 1.8 MB

  • Clean and Simple Material UI

Explore the virtualized demonstration of the release apk version here

Or you can install the apk from below 👇🏽

Shopit App

Build Instructions

You can build the app via Android Studio, or by running the following command in your directory:

./gradlew <assembleDebug | assembleRelease>

You can then find the apk file in Shopit/app/build/outputs/apk

Developed with

  • Jetpack Compose - Jetpack Compose is Android’s recommended modern toolkit for building native UI.
  • Material3 - Google's latest design system with adaptable components and tools that support the best practices of user interface design for building beautiful apps.
  • Kotlin Coroutine - For executing tasks asynchronously.
  • ViewModel - Stores UI-related data that isn't destroyed on UI changes.