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Windows AutoClicker / Rapid Fire

How To Run

  • Make sure you have the latest visual c++ runtime installed then goto build/debug or build/release and run auto.exe.
  • Press the HOME key to enable the functionality as it is turned off by default, You should hear a sound effect play.
  • Hold your mouse's left click and adjust speed if necessary.

Keyboard Inputs

  • Use PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN to change the speed of the clicking.
  • Use HOME to toggle the program. These are two distinct tones for activation and deactivation along with the console window displaying if it is activated or not.


  • At very fast speeds it might still be active even if you arent pressing your left click, If this happens toggle the HOME key as a quick fix. I have put a limiter on how fast you can make it click to try and mitigate this while still allowing it to be more than quick enough for games / programs.