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Bundle up Python deployment packages for AWS Lambda, including source code, configs, and dependencies with extension modules.


With pipsi:

$ pipsi install make-lambda-package

Or pip:

$ pip install make-lambda-package

Packaging dependencies with the --requirements-file option requires the docker command to be in your $PATH. Dependencies will be built in a lambci/lambda:build-python2.7 container by default.


To use it:

$ make-lambda-package --help
Usage: make-lambda-package [OPTIONS] <path_or_url>

  Bundle up a deployment package for AWS Lambda.

  From your local filesystem:

      $ make-lambda-package .

  Or from a remote git repository:

      $ make-lambda-package

  Use # fragment to specify a commit or a branch:

      $ make-lambda-package

  Dependencies specified with --requirements-file will built using a docker
  container that replicates AWS Lambda's execution environment, so that
  extension modules are correctly packaged.

  When packaging a local source, --work-dir defaults to `.`:

  * ./build will hold a virtualenv for building dependencies if specified.
  * ./dist is where the zipped package will be saved

  When packaging a remote source, --work-dir defaults to `./vendor`.

  --repo-source-files <glob_pattern_in_source>
                                  Source files to package.
  --requirements-file <path_in_source>
                                  Dependencies to package.
  --local-source-file <path_from_cwd> <path_in_zip>
                                  Files in the current working directory to
                                  package. Useful for config files.
  --work-dir <output_directory>   Where to store intermediary files and the
                                  zipped package.
  --runtime <lambda_runtime>      Lambda runtime. Docker image
                                  `lambci/lambda:build-{runtime}` will be used
                                  for the build.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Install packages and run tests:

$ pipenv install
$ pipenv install -d
$ pipenv shell
$ pytest