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Contacts Importer

This program uses background jobs and JSONB objects to extrac contacts from a CSV file and store them in a database. The contacts are associated to a user as well as the processed CSV file.

My goal was to finish this small project in less than 24 hours. I'm proud to admit I failed. Not a big deal, is just the results of a very detailed thinking process and I won't make a poor quality work to meet a deadline.

Currently, this project is missing:

  • UX: List all contacts uploaded by the user
  • UX: List all contact list and CSV uploaded by the user
  • UX: Links to change the language (yes, it's multilingual)
  • Backend: validations for the contact model
  • Backend: more test coverage

What it does and have:

  • Supports multiple languages (English and Spanish)
  • Parses the file in a background job
  • Some A-UAT testing (sing in/up)
  • Support changing to all statuses (as per the spec and more)
  • Parses and stores the contacts to the database (Contact.all)
  • Deployed to Heroku
  • Resque with Redis as backend
  • Caching of partials and expensive computations
  • It has a Bucketeer S3 storage backend and the file can be downloaded
  • Allows and supports user mappings in the GUI
  • A cool CI and a (almost) perfect use of Git Flow
    • Yeah, this ones I am commiting direcly to develop. I know is wrong.

If I had enough time, this would be the plan:

  • Create a model for the JSONB "details" column and implement the validations
  • Populate the indexes of ContactLists and Contacts
  • Add more A-UAT and unit testing
  • Show the features that are implemented but doesn't work on the front-end yet
  • Spot n+1 queries with Bullet (included in RSpec and in the browser)
  • Cache more partials and expensive computations
  • Implement the scoped uniqueness check (that prevents a user from having 2 contacts with the same email)
  • Add seeds for a demo user and a demo CSV file


I tend to overthink and I always want to keep things sharp and snappy. I plan way ahead and that's where I invest most of the time. I already have a plan and know exactly what to do, what's missing and how to do it. Is just a matter that thinking takes some time and sadly more time than the goal.

This mindset intereferes greatly with short deadlines. If I had enough time, say, 3 days, this project would probably be top-tier and outplay most implementations. And is not surprise. The time that I take to make the plan is not "wasted" in the end. Is well invested time. It's more about the architecture and design than about writing the code.

I think that this project, and at this point, is enough to showcase my ability. I will finish it, anyway. If you look carefully enough, you will easily notice it. Are you not convinced? Well, that's cool. Let's have a thorough talk about this. Challenge me as much as you want.

I made costly architectural decisions such as using Tailwind (not a good time saver like Bootrstrap), using a background job from the beginning, using S3 from the beginning, deploying to Heroku from the beginning and using JSONB instead of relational column. That last one is a powerful decision. See, is the best of the relational world, like the through table ContactList (User <=<> Contact List <>=> Contacts) and the best of the document world. This implementation is future-proof. Just think about that.

Installing and running locally

System dependencies

A Linux machine is preferred. Install the following dependencies (the process varies depending on your local setup):

Dependency Version
GIT VCS any modern version
Ruby 3.0.2+
Node.js 16.4+
PostgreSQL 12+
Redis 6+
Foreman 0.87+
Google Chrome or Chromium any modern version
Firefox any modern version


  1. Clone this repository locally, for example git clone
  2. Change to the project's root directory, for example cd contacts-importer
  3. Install the Ruby dependencies with bundle install
  4. Install the Node.js dependencies with yarn install
  5. Roll a new set of credentials with rm config/credentials.yml.enc; bundle exec rails credentials:edit
    • May need to set-up a proper text editor for this command to work. Try export EDITOR=nano
    • To deploy to staging and review apps, add HTTP login details in this file. Not needed locally.
  6. Prepare the database with bundle exec rails db:prepare
    • May need to setup the PostgreSQL roles beforehand
  7. Run the server using foreman start and browse to it's URL
  8. Execute the test suite using bundle exec rspec
    • The feature test may fail if Chrome is not installed. Run this command if you have Firefox: USING_BROWSER=firefox bundle exec rspec
    • The feature test may fail in headless configs. Run this command if you have headless config: CI=true bundle exec rspec

Live demo

As always, you can find a live demo in Heroku

Using free dynos, so, don't expect excellent performance

Username: demo

Password: demo


👤 Oever González


📝 License

Open-source under the MIT License. Oever González (c) 2021.