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Getting Started Tips & FAQs

Monocle Upgrading

The develop branch changes almost daily. To ensure you are on the most recent develop build, from your base monocle directory:

git clone
cd Monocle
git checkout develop
git pull
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt

Installing Python 3.6 on Linux

apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libssl1.0.0 libgeos-c1
tar xvf Python-3.6.0.tgz
cd Python-3.6.0
./configure --enable-optimizations
make altinstall

Optional for Mysql/MariaDB:

apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev libmariadbclient-dev
pip3.6 install ConfigParser
pip3.6 install mysqlclient

Q. I get an install error on some of the optional requirements. How can I install them?

Windows: See for most of the files. Use pip3 install [filename] . Uvloop is not supported on Windows.

Linux: Make sure your packages are up to date. If you need to use socks for proxies, uninstall uvloop.

Q. What mapping tools can I use to create polygon boundaries?

Using Bing Maps allows you to right click an area to easily copy lat/long coordinates.

Optionally, here are a couple of tools that will let you create the full boundaries:

Q: What is the format to use for my accounts in if they all have same passwords/provider?

ACCOUNTS = [['x'], ['y']]

Q. What do the dots represent in the console status display?

Dots meaning:

        . = visited more than a minute ago
        , = visited less than a minute ago, no pokemon seen
        0 = visited less than a minute ago, no pokemon or forts seen
        : = visited less than a minute ago, pokemon seen
        ! = currently visiting
        | = cleaning bag
        $ = spinning a PokéStop
        * = sending a notification
        ~ = encountering a Pokémon
        I = initial, haven't done anything yet
        » = waiting to log in (limited by SIMULTANEOUS_LOGINS)
        ° = waiting to start app simulation (limited by SIMULTANEOUS_SIMULATION)
        ∞ = bootstrapping
        L = logging in
        A = simulating app startup
        T = completing the tutorial
        X = something bad happened
        H = waiting for the next period on the hashing server
        C = CAPTCHA

Other letters: various errors and procedures

Q. What is the TTH of a spawn point? Time_Til_Hidden, which means the exact time when a Pokemon despawns.

Q. How long will it take to find 100% TTH?

Depends mostly on the number of workers for the spawnpoint density you have (varies widely). It will be however long it takes for a worker to go to the same point often enough to get the last 90s of the spawn. The last 90s is the only time when a valid TTH is sent by Niantic to the client.

Q. Can I use multiple hash keys?


HASH_KEY = ('KEY1','KEY2')

Note: aiopogo's (and pgoapi's) mechanism for keeping track of maximum and remaining hashes only applies to the most recently used key, so you'll have a little weirdness with those stats jumping between keys.

Q. Can I run multiple instances of Monocle?

Yes, for now the easiest thing is to copy the contents (except pickle files) to a separate directory. In Windows, you will also need to define a unique MANAGER_ADDRESS in for each instance.

Q. What are the differences between known/unknown/more count in console display vs. map display?

The console display is based on pickle file data stored inside the cell ids. The map uses the database. Known are spawn points that it knows the cycle for, unknown/mysteries are spawn points that it doesn't know the cycle for. GetMapObjects returns a list of spawn points for S2 cells. Monocle will add those to the more queue so that it has places to go when runs out of unknown or if enabled in the config (MORE_POINTS = True)

Q. Why are there no or only a few Pokemon shown on my map?

The map only shows Pokemon for known spawns, so if you have just started scanning wait a bit until the spawns have been identified

Q. What does the --no-pickle flag do?

This mode tells Monocle to skip loading cell points from the pickle files (and use the database instead). It is also a good idea to use --no-pickle if you change or constrict your scan area since there will likely be mystery points from the old area in spawns.pickle. Cell (MORE) points don't show up on the map.

Q. What does the --bootstrap flag do?

This mode spreads out the workers evenly over your grid and repeats visits to those initial points if something goes wrong. It does that automatically if no spawn points are known (like on the first run).

Q. What is the difference between GIVE_UP & SKIP_SPAWN?

SKIP is whether it tries to find a worker or not.

GIVE_UP is how long it tries to find a worker.

Consider these settings:

GIVE_UP_KNOWN = 75   # try to find a worker for a known spawn for this many seconds before giving up
GIVE_UP_UNKNOWN = 60 # try to find a worker for an unknown point for this many seconds before giving up
SKIP_SPAWN = 90      # don't even try to find a worker for a spawn if the spawn time was more than this many seconds ago

If a pokemon spawned 90s ago and no worker was able to go there in that 90s it will skip that point.

So with SKIP_TIME at 90, it's iterating through the spawn points and it sees that the spawn point spawned 91 seconds ago, it skips it without even trying to find a worker. The next one spawned 89 seconds ago so it starts trying to find a worker, if there aren't any workers that can get to it under the speed limit it waits a couple seconds and tries again until GIVE_UP seconds have passed since the time it started trying.

If you have many more spawn points than you can keep up with, you can either be visiting them 10 minutes after they spawn and have 20 minutes of warning, or you can be visiting them 90 seconds after and have 28.5 minutes of warning. If you can keep up with your spawn points you'll probably have workers ready before 90 seconds have passed.

Q: How can I use notification filters to send everything to the webhooks?

The easiest way:

ALWAYS_NOTIFY_IDS = tuple(range(1, 152))

But, it would be better to enable some filtering in Monocle so that it can skip sending stuff to the webhook that will be ignored anyways. One option would be putting everything in NOTIFY_IDS and overriding their rarity scores.

For example:

NOTIFY_IDS = (149, 143, 19, 16)
RARITY_OVERRIDE = {149: 1, 143: .7, 19: 0.2, 16:0.2}

Here they all need to have a total score of at least 0.6. Dragonite has a rarity score of 1, so it only needs a .2 to hit the threshold. Pidgey has a rarity score of 0.2 so it would need perfect IVs to hit it.

Note: if the rarity scores weren't overridden in that example, they would be generated based on the order listed, so 1, .66, .33, 0.

This should also accomplish similar:

ALWAYS_NOTIFY_IDS = (3, 6, 9, 143, 149)
NOTIFY_IDS = tuple(range(1, 152))

[more examples needed here]

Q: How do I setup multiple Polygons for my scan boundaries?

This is how the format for MultiPolygon should look in the

from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon

a = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0)]
b = [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2), (2, 1), (1, 1)]

BOUNDARIES = MultiPolygon([[a, []], [b, []]])