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Syntax Highlighting extension for Markdig

An extension that adds Syntax Highlighting, also known as code colourization, to a Markdig pipeline through the power of ColorCode. By simply adding this extension to your pipeline, you can add colour and style to your source code in markdown files.


This project is a fork of Richard Slater's Markdig.SyntaxHighlighting. It has been ported to .NET 6.0 by our team, and will continue to be supported for the foreseeable future as we use this lib for our downstream projects.



namespace Amido.VersionDashboard.Web.Domain 
    public interface IConfigProvider 
        string GetSetting(string appSetting);


namespace Amido.VersionDashboard.Web.Domain 
    public interface IConfigProvider 
        string GetSetting(string appSetting);


Simply import the nuget package, add a using statement for Markdig.SyntaxHighlighting and add to your pipeline:

var pipeline = new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()