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/ spacefolio Public template

Spacefolio is a complimentary, open-source blueprint designed to empower you in creating your Personal Portfolio Website. It is crafted using Astro and TailwindCSS, offering a versatile platform to showcase your work and skills to the world.


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Space Portfolio | Personal Portfolio Template

Space Portfolio | Personal Portfolio Website Template

Spacefolio is a complimentary, open-source blueprint designed to empower you in creating your Personal Portfolio Website. It is crafted using Astro and TailwindCSS, offering a versatile platform to showcase your work and skills to the world.



View a live demo of Spacefolio


To get started, you need to clone the repository and install the dependencies.

pnpm install


To start the development server, run the following command:

pnpm run dev

Project Structure

├── components
│   ├── BaseHead.astro
│   ├── Card.astro
│   ├── Footer.astro
│   ├── HorizontalCard.astro
│   ├── NavBar.astro
│   ├── ThemeController.astro
│   └── TimeLine.astro
├── config.ts
├── content
│   ├── blog
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   ├── config.ts
│   └── projects
│       ├──
│       ├──
├── icons
│   ├── alien.svg
│   ├── arrow-right.svg
│   ├── astronaut.svg
├── layouts
│   ├── BaseLayout.astro
│   ├── PostLayout.astro
│   └── ProjectLayout.astro
├── lib
│   └── createSlug.ts
─ pages
    ├── 404.astro
    ├── blog
    │   ├── [].astro
    │   ├── [slug].astro
    │   └── tag
    │       └── [tag]
    │           └── [].astro
    ├── contact.astro
    ├── experience.astro
    ├── index.astro
    └── projects
        ├── [].astro
        └── [slug].astro

Site config

You can change global site configuration on '/src/config.ts' file:

  • SITE_TITLE: Default pages title.
  • SITE_DESCRIPTION: Default pages description.
  • GENERATE_SLUG_FROM_TITLE: By default Spacefolio will generate the blog and projects slug pages base on the entry name. Set this var to false if you want to use the Astro file base.
  • TRANSITION_API: Enable and disable transition API
  • NAME: Your name, used in the header and footer.
  • RESUME_LINK: Your resume file link.
  • MENU_ITEMS: Array of objects with the menu items base on pages created, each object should have a title, tooltip, url and icon properties. The tooltip indicates the direction of the tooltip when the text is hidden, however, in mobile view, the tooltip will show always in the bottom.
  • TECH_STACK: Array of objects with the tech stack used in the experience section, each object should have a name and icon properties.
  • SKILLS: Array of objects with the skills used in the experience section, each object should have a icon, reverseIcon and name properties.
  • SOCIAL_LINKS: Array of objects with the social links used in the sidebar, each object should have a title, url and icon properties.


You can add your own icons in the /src/icons folder and use them in your components, for example:

<Icon name="alien" size={25} class="text-black" />

Where to find icons?

Need to optimize your images? Try Squoosh



Add your md blog post in the /content/blog/ folder. For projects, add your md project in the /content/projects/ folder.

The content of the post follows the markdown format, and the properties of the post are defined in the frontmatter of the file.

Post format

Properties available for each post:

title: "Post Title"
description: "Description"
pubDate: "Post date format(Sep 10 2022)"
heroImage: "Post Hero Image URL"
tags: ["tag1", "tag2"]
Project format

Properties available for each project:

title: "Demo Item 1"
description: "Item description"
pubDate: "Sep 10 2022"
important: true // Show project at the top of the list
badge: "New" // Badge to show in the project card
heroImage: "/post_img.webp"
tags: ["tag1", "tag2"]


To change the template theme set light theme in the data-theme attribute of the <html> tag in BaseLayout.astro file.

And set light and dark theme in the ThemeController.astro component using constants LIGHT_THEME and DARK_THEME respectively.

You can choose among 30 themes available or create your custom theme. See themes available here.


You can deploy your site on your favourite static hosting service such as Vercel, Netlify, GitHub Pages, etc.


Craft beautiful presentations with Shots


Suggestions and pull requests are welcomed! Feel free to open a discussion or an issue for a new feature request or bug.

One of the best ways to contribute is to grab a bug report or feature suggestion that has been marked accepted and dig in.

Please be wary of working on issues not marked as accepted. Just because someone has created an issue doesn't mean we'll accept a pull request for it.


spacefolio is licensed under the MIT license — see the LICENSE file for details.


Made with


Spacefolio is a complimentary, open-source blueprint designed to empower you in creating your Personal Portfolio Website. It is crafted using Astro and TailwindCSS, offering a versatile platform to showcase your work and skills to the world.







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