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A reddit bot that is triggered by reddit comments made in /r/Reformed that references various christian confessions and catechisms. It posts the contents of the requested selection(s) as a reply to the comment that contained the request.

Note that the username for the bot on reddit is now Confessions_bot

Currently Supported Catechisms and Confessions

Document Type
The Westminster Confession of Faith Usage
The Canons of Dort (Articles) Usage
The Canons of Dort (Rejections) Usage
The Augsburg Confession Usage
The London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) Usage
The Westminster Larger Catechism Usage
The Westminster Shorter Catechism Usage
The Heidelberg Catechism Usage
The Belgic Confession of Faith Usage
The 39 Articles of Religion Usage
The 95 Theses Usage
The London Baptist Confession of Faith (1646) Usage
The Scottish Confession of Faith Usage
Spurgeon's Puritan Catechism Usage
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy Usage
The Catechism of the Catholic Church Usage
The Second Helvetic Confession Usage
Articles of Religion (Methodist) Usage
Zwingli's 67 Articles Usage
Keach's Catechism Usage
Savoy Declaration of Faith Usage
Helvetic Consensus Formula Usage

Planned Documents

  • Apostles Creed
  • Nicene Creed
  • Tridentine Creed


To view the list of changes please refer to the CHANGELOG




Matthieu Grieger for versebot, from which catebot was initially derived. And /u/konohitowa for catebot, off of which a significant portion of standardsbot is based.


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