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Reactive RabbitMQ Spring Boot Starter

Reactive-rabbitmq-spring-boot-starter is common spring boot starter based on Reactor RabbitMQ client. It enables messages to be published and consumed with functional APIs and non-blocking back-pressure. This allows you applications with Spring WebFlux and RabbitMQ integrate with other services in reactive pipeline.


  • Non-blocking backpressure
  • Functional style APIs
  • Reactive pipeline
  • As least 30% faster than Spring RabbitMQ
  • Spring framework integration
  • Reduce the complexity of working with Reactor RabbitMQ

Getting started

Import with gradle:

dependencies {


When Spring actuator is enabled then reactive rabbit health indicator will be enabled automatically. It's accessible on standard GET http://${host}:${port}/actuacor/health. To enable or disable health indicator:



Properties class RabbitProperties for basic properties andEventCosumerConfiguration represent properties for consumer.

Configured yaml file:

    addresses: ${spring.rabbitmq.addresses}
    username: ${spring.rabbitmq.username}
    password: ${spring.rabbitmq.password}
    queue-prefix: ${} # will be used in all created queues
    graph-api: # represent `EventConsumerConfiguration` class
      exchange: graph-api
        routing-key: event.graph-updated
        durable-queue: false # queue will be deleted automatically
      exchange: screenapi
        routing-key: event.register
      exchange: push-sender
        routing-key: event.push-registered
        max-retry: 6 # max retries count

Example of EventConsumerConfiguration usage

data class GraphApiRabbitConfiguration(
    val exchange: String,
    val graphUpdatedEvent: EventConsumerConfiguration


Main class -DeclarableAutoInitialization There are two ways of declaration of exchanges, queues and bindings.

  • standard @Bean declaration.
  • on container startup.

As bean - beans automatically will be declared in rabbitmq:

class Config {
    fun queue() = QueueSpecification.queue("queue")

    fun exchange() ="exchange")

    fun binding() = BindingSpecification.binding("exchange", "routing-key", "queue")

As container - when container is starts:


Reactive rabbitmq sender

Main class - ReactiveRabbitMqSender Sender allows publishing messages to rabbitmq.

  • All messages will be converted to [OutboundMessage] with [ReactiveMessageConverter].
  • Sender is [AutoCloseable]. So all connections and schedulers will be closed.
  • Provides a bunch of useful methods to send messages. See documentation in [ReactiveRabbitMqSender].
  • Sent messages awaits to be confirmed by rabbitmq to know that outbound messages have successfully reached the broker.

Usage of sender:

    routingKey = "rabbit.routing-key",
    message = MyMessage(),
    sendOptions = SendOptions(),
    exchange = "exchange"

What is SendOptions?

Reactive rabbitmq admin

Main class - ReactiveRabbitMqAdmin Specifies a basic set of portable AMQP administrative operations for AMQP protocol.

Reactive rabbitmq listener

Main class - ReactiveRabbitMqListener Provides builder style api to create different [ReactiveMessageListener].

With builder APIs different listeners can be created:

  • Typed - where expected message type is specified and instance of it will be created by [ReactiveMessageConverter].
  • Non-typed or Empty - where message is empty. Or you don't care of it body.

Simple usages:

  • if you want to react on something - Non-typed
  • If you want to receive string - Typed listener TypedReactiveMessageListener<String>
  • If you want to receive T - Typed listener TypedReactiveMessageListener<MyType>

Also typed listeners are extended with more available functionality:

  • Retry failed messages.
  • Create DLQ queue on startup and use it in retries. more about DLQ

Retries and DQL

A message processing will be retried on any Throwable. When error occurred we check X-RETRIES-COUNT header of message and then:

  • If retries not exceed - ack, increment counter in header, delay in separate thread and send message in the same queue.
  • If retries exceed and dlq config not specified - nack, log and skip message.
  • If retries exceed and dql config is specified - nack, log and send to queue from dlq config.
Default retries logic do not preserve order of incoming messages!
If long retry delay specified then messages can be lost on service shotdown!

You can provide yor own retry logic by lambda onErrorResume in TypedRetryableManualAcknowledgmentReactiveMessageListener.

See more in TypedRetryableManualAcknowledgmentReactiveMessageListener

Reactive rabbitmq container

Main class - ReactiveMessageContainer. Maintain all lifecycle of container. See more [SmartLifecycle] and rabbit consumer lifecycle.

Default container is SimpleReactiveMessageContainer. It provides possibility to receive messages depends on Acknowledge mode. More about acknowledge modes

Container can resolve its behavior by AckMode and listener type and also warn user of misconfiguration and provide default behaviour to reduce errors.

Creation of container:


Reactive rabbitmq binder

Main class - ReactiveRabbitMqBinder More about consumers

Binder consist of next elements:

  • Admin - allow to declare queues, bindings etc.
  • Listener - handles messages in queue.
  • Container - include listener and control it lifecycle.
  • Binder - bind all previous elements together.

Steps of binding:

  • Create binding of exchange with queueName to routingKey.
  • if [isDurableQueue] == true - then queue will be unique and auto-deletable.
  • All consumed messages will be converted and processed with handler.
  • Depends on acknowledge mode different type of listeners will be used. See Listeners section.

What is ConsumeOptions?

Usage of binder:

    .consumerSpec {
            .eventHandler(eventHandler, eventType)

Short path of binding:

        .bindWithManualAckAndRetry<MyEvent>(, config.myEventConsumerConfiguration) {

Reactive message converter

Main class - ReactiveMessageConverter Converts incoming [Delivery] to [T]. Convert simple outbound [message] as internal [OutboundMessage].

Supported message types:

  • JSON

Reactive rabbitmq hooks

Main class - ReactiveRabbitMqHooks This class allows to execute some code on different type of event occurred on container lifecycle.

For example:

  • Additional logic after sent message
  • Logging on exception
  • Metrics

Type of hooks:

  • onSend
  • onSendError
  • onReceive
  • onReceiveError
  • onInvalidEvent
  • onRetry
  • onRetryExceeded More description in ReactiveRabbitMqHooks


I prefer to use Conventional Commits style for commit messages.


This is spring boot starter for Reactor RabbitMQ library.






No releases published


