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Naqeebali Shamsi edited this page Mar 10, 2024 · 1 revision

Welcome to the nomad-crew-frontend wiki!


This repository contains the frontend code for Nomad Crew, an app designed to create disposable groups for trips. The frontend has been transitioned to use Ionic (VueJS) + Capacitor frameworks to facilitate easy testing as a web app and streamline the development process. The app features include live location sharing, messaging, media sharing, and expense splitting, all optimized for a seamless user experience across web and mobile platforms.

Key Features

  • User Authentication
  • Group Creation and Management
  • Live Location Tracking on Map
  • Real-time Chat Functionality
  • Media Sharing Capabilities
  • Expense Management and Splitting

Technology Stack

  • Framework: Ionic (VueJS)
  • Runtime: Capacitor
  • UI Components: Ionic UI Components for Vue
  • State Management: VueX

Development Guidelines

  • Use VueJS's reactive programming model to build interactive and efficient user interfaces.
  • Implement Ionic UI Components for a native app-like experience, optimizing for both mobile and web platforms.
  • Leverage Capacitor for accessing native device features in a cross-platform manner.
  • Prioritize performance and user experience, aiming for fluid animations and quick load times.
  • Maintain high standards of security and privacy, particularly for sensitive features like live location sharing.

Getting Started

Instructions on setting up the development environment with Ionic (VueJS) and Capacitor, including necessary installations and environment configuration.

Contribution Guidelines

Adopt the GitHub Flow. Create feature branches with the naming convention feature/<feature-name> and bug fixes as bugfix/<bug-name>. Ensure all contributions comply with OWASP security standards.

Project Roadmap

  • Phase 1: Implementation of core functionalities with Ionic and Capacitor.
  • Phase 2: Incorporation of advanced features and user feedback.
  • Phase 3: Expansion of the app capabilities and integration testing.
  • Phase 4: Final optimizations and deployment to web and mobile platforms.

Contact and Support

Note: This document is regularly updated to reflect the progress and changes in the project's development cycle.