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Rsql-filter is a Java library for Spring Boot JPA applications that provides a simple and convenient way to transfer filter parameters in REST GET requests. The library makes it easy to build RESTful APIs that allow clients to filter data based on specific criteria.


To use Rsql-filter in your application, you simply need to pass a filter parameter in your REST GET request. The value of the filter parameter should be a string that specifies the filtering criteria.

For example, to retrieve all records where the name field is equal to John, you can make the following request:

GET /records?filter=name=='John'

You can also use logical operators and parentheses to build more complex filter expressions. For example, to retrieve all records where the name field is equal to John and the age field is greater than 30, you can make the following request:

GET /records?filter=name=='John';age=gt=30

The following table shows the list of supported operators:

Operator Description
== Equal to
!= Not equal to
=gt= Greater than
=ge= Greater than or equal to
=lt= Less than
=le= Less than or equal to
=in= In
=nin= Not in
=bt= Between
==null Is null
!=null Is not null
==true Equal to true
==false Equal to false

Supported data types:

Data Type Description
String Expression in quotes ("" or '' or ``), for example name='Ana'
Integer Integer number, for example id==2345
Decimal number Decimal number, for example amount=gt=10.23
Enum Enum name, for example status=#ACTIVE#
Date Date in ISO format, for example date=ge=#2019-01-01#
Datetime Datetime in ISO format, for example date=ge=#2019-01-01T00:00:00#
Boolean Boolean value, for example active==true or active==false

Example REST controller

public class ProductTypeResource {

    private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProductTypeResource.class);
    private static final String ENTITY_NAME = "productType";

    private final ProductTypeService productTypeService;

    private final ProductTypeRepository productTypeRepository;

    public ProductTypeResource(ProductTypeService productTypeService, ProductTypeRepository productTypeRepository) {
        this.productTypeService = productTypeService;
        this.productTypeRepository = productTypeRepository;
    @Secured({"ROLE_ADMIN", "ROLE_USER"})
    public ResponseEntity<List<ProductTypeDTO>> getAllProductTypes(
                    name = "filter"
            ) @RequestParam(value = "filter", required = false) String filter,
            Pageable pageable
    ) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        if (filter != null) {
            filter = decode(filter, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

        log.debug("REST request to get ProductTypes by filter: {}", filter);
        Page<ProductTypeDTO> page = productTypeService.getQueryService().findByFilter(filter, pageable);
        HttpHeaders headers = PaginationUtil.generatePaginationHttpHeaders(ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequest(), page);
        return ResponseEntity.ok().headers(headers).body(page.getContent());

Example service

public class ProductTypeService {
    private RsqlQueryService<ProductType, ProductTypeDTO, ProductTypeRepository, ProductTypeMapper> queryService;

     * Return a rsqlQueryService used for executing queries with rsql filters.
     * @return RsqlQueryService
    public RsqlQueryService<ProductType, ProductTypeDTO, ProductTypeRepository, ProductTypeMapper> getQueryService() {
        if (this.queryService == null) {
            this.queryService = new RsqlQueryService<>(productTypeRepository, productTypeMapper, entityManager, ProductType.class);
        return this.queryService;

Example repository

public interface ProductTypeRepository extends JpaRepository<ProductType, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<ProductType> {

Complete example application can be found here.

Spring Boot integration

This library is designed to work with Spring Boot JPA applications. It provides a convenient way to transfer filter parameters in REST GET requests. The library makes it easy to build RESTful APIs that allow clients to filter data based on specific criteria.

This specific version is working with Spring Boot 3 (3.1.5) and Hibernate version 6 (6.2.13).


This work is based on the following projects:


Rsql-filter is a simple and convenient library for Spring Boot JPA applications that makes it easy to transfer filter parameters in REST GET requests. Whether you are building a new RESTful API or adding filtering to an existing one, Rsql-filter is an excellent choice for your filtering needs.