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LearnSociety Learning

It's all about Simplifying Learning and Amplifying Success. We explore an Easy-to-Use Learning Management System that Enhances Engagement and Accelerates Learning Outcomes.


LearnSociety is a web application that aims to facilitate task management and learning progression. It allows users to break down tasks into daily subroutines, track their productivity, and visualize their progress on a graph chart.

The application also provides resources and guidance for acquiring programming skills. Additionally, it features real-time chat functionality for users interactions and a blog post feature(still in development stage) for sharing perspective and receiving feedback.

Team Members

  • Aitebiremen Okojie
  • Adava Onimisi
  • Ernest Aiji
  • Sammy Iyebhora


This project is built with python as such it's needed for running this project.

  • installing python on apt based system
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python3
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
  • installing project packages
sudo apt-get install -y mysql-server
sudo apt-get install -y mysql-client
sudo apt-get insall -y python3-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev build essential
sudo apt-get install -y redis

make sure you take note of your mysql login credentials during mysql insallation

  • install the python modules
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • create the following environmental variables either on shell or on ~/.bashrc file (~/.bashrc is more preferrable)
export MYSQL_USER="mysql_user_name"
export MYSQL_HOST="<server_machine_ip | localhost>"
export MYSQL_PASS="your_mysql_password"
export MYSQL_DB="name_of_db_in_mysql"
export STORAGE_TYPE="< mysqlDB | filestorageDB >"
export PORT="mysql_port"
export SECRET_KEY="flask_app_Secret_key"
export GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID="google_client_key"
export GOOGLE_SECRET_KEY="google_client_key"
export GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL="google_client_callback_url"
  • head over to google developers to create application key and download the client_secrets.json file
  • copy or move clients_secrets.json file to web_flask/main/client_Secrets.json


$ ./
#just press enter
Enter storage type [mysqlDB]:
# enter your corresponding api key if available else press enter
Enter OpenAI API key:
Enter Twilio auth token:
Enter additional environment variables (variable=value) [Press Enter to skip]:
for optimal performance it is recommended to set you openai api key and twilio auth key, do you want to? (y/n):n
# specify app to run flask application or api to run api service
Do you want to start the Flask app or the API route? (app/api)



  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): Markup language for structuring web pages.
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Stylesheet language for styling web pages.
  • JavaScript: Programming language for adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages.
  • Frontend libraries/Framework: Bootstrap, JQuery


  • Programming language: Python.
  • Databases: MySQL (for storing structured data e.g user table, courses table, library table), redisDB for caching and storing unstructured data like chats.
  • RESTful APIs: Design and development of APIs for communication between the front-end and back-end components.
  • Flask socketIO: For real time communication between users.

Server and Hosting:

  • Web servers: Nginx
  • Cloud platforms: AWS (Amazon Web Services).


  • Authentication and authorization: Flask login, Flask Session, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), etc.
  • Encryption and secure communication: HTTPS, SSL/TLS certificates.

3rd Party services

  • OpenAI API for chatbot functionality
  • SendGrid API for sending user emails
  • Twilio API for notification functionality
  • Getwiki API for web page search bar functionality


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published



Contributors 4
