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Nononitas edited this page Jul 17, 2024 · 12 revisions


Each group needs a different groupname.

To add a specific group to a user, add the permission{groupname}. If a player has 2 groups permissions, then the group is set depending on the priority (the higher the number, the higher the priority). If they have the same priority booth groups will be applied (they get merged) With the Bungeecord/Velocity plugin you can also choose on which servers the groups should be used.


The "commands" section lists the commands that can either be blocked or executed exclusively. Listing subcommads is also possible:

Example1 (blacklist): If you list "cmd test" it will block "cmd test" and its subargs ("cmd test <args>"), but it will not block "cmd" or "cmd help"

Example2 (whitelist): If you list "cmd test" it will block "cmd" and "cmd help", but it will not block "cmd test" or "cmd test <args>".


The "tabcomplete" section lists the commands that are either be removed or only visible in the tabcompletion. List subtabcompletions is also possible:

Example1 (blacklist): If you list "cmd test" it will remove the subarg "test" and its subargs but not "cmd" itself. So "cmd help" will be visible.

Example2 (whitelist): If you list "cmd test" it will remove all subargs except "test" and its subargs but not "cmd" itself. So "cmd help" not be visible


The group mode decides whether the list is a blacklist or whitelist. By default the group mode is whitelist. If you want to change it to blacklist, you have to give the player a permission: For the commands it's plhide.blacklist.commands and for the tabcomplete it's plhide.blacklist.tabcomplete

Enabled Servers

If you are using the Bungeecord/Velocity plugin, there is another list called enabled_servers. Here you add the server names on which the group is enabled. The default value is "all". Regex is also supported.


This option is only available if using the Bungeecord/Velocity version
Here you can add server names to have different commands/tabcomplete on different servers

      #If no matching server could be found (for example creative) this key will be used.
        commands: [ ]
        tabcomplete: [ ]
      #Commands listed here will be added to servers where the name starts with "Lobby-" (for example "Lobby-1", "Lobby-230")
        commands: [ ]
        tabcomplete: [ ]
      #Commands listed here will only be added to the server with the name "Survival"
        commands: [ ]
        tabcomplete: [ ]
      #Commands listed here will be added to every other server automatically. This key (all) is optionally
        commands: [ ]
        tabcomplete: [ ]
      #Option for which servers the group should be enabled
      - all
    priority: 1
    blocked-command-message: "Unknown command. Type \"/help\" for help."
    inherited-groups: [ ]


In the "inherited-groups" section you can add other groups. The commands and tab completion from the "inherited groups" will be added to this group. Note that the implemented groups implement their implemented groups!​ So the inheritance is recursive means: if you have, for example, 3 groups: Default, Moderator, Admin. Moderator inherits from Default and Admin inherits from Moderator, then Admin also inherits the Default group, since Moderator inherits it

Group merging

A player can also have multiple parent groups at the same time: If two or more groups have the same priority and the player has permission for them, all groups for which the player has permission will be applied