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Lightweight library for creating a service that dynamically makes updates to a social profile account periodically.


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This library is designed to automate dynamic updates to an social profile account such as cycling through profile pictures every 30 seconds.

Note: the default refresh interval is set to 30000ms (30 seconds) for most dynamic tasks. If this interval is set below 20 seconds, there is a chance APIs will block requests if more than 200 are made within an hour.

Table of Contents

Run the Bot

You can run this bot from the command line directly (Docker support soon to be added).

Running from command line

$ git clone
$ cd social-bio-bot
$ ./sbiotbot.ts
sbiobot.ts v0.0.1
usage: sbiobot.ts [-h] [-v] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [platform] [script]
Lightweight library for creating a service that dynamically makes updates to a social profile account periodically.

positional arguments:
  platform              social platform to use
                        Available platforms are:
                        - fb, facebook
                        - ig, instagram
                        - tw, twitter
  script                preset bot script to use
                        run sbiobot.ts <platform> to see what scripts are available

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        supply social account username from stdin (overrides env variables)
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        supply social account password from stdin (overrides env variables)



Install with NPM for Development

From npm

npm install social-bio-bot

From github

npm install github:noodleofdeath/social-bio-bot

This package uses url-regex-safe (GitHub) to check for links when sending direct messages. By default, the safe regex engine re2 is not installed. ⚠ It's highly recommended for you to install re2 by running npm install re2, else you will be vulnerable to CVE-2020-7661.

Support us

If you find this library useful for you, you can support it by donating any amount

BTC: 3HNXnygb1HowTBbvhQrQ4vxekfQ2UM83sd

SHIB: 0xBb8f7EbF3D7f54BAcadece3dada9ab2358C90635

ETH: 0xec78f794489D511137770Ae144A550B50c2AFF92




In order to get debug infos provided by the library, you can enable debugging. The prefix for this library is ig. To get all debug logs (recommended) set the namespace to ig:*.


In Node you only have to set the environment variable DEBUG to the desired namespace. Further information


If you need features that is not implemented - feel free to implement and create PRs!

Plus we need some documentation, so if you are good in it - you are welcome.

Setting up your environment is described here.

Useful links

instagram-id-to-url-segment - convert the image url fragment to the media ID


Lightweight library for creating a service that dynamically makes updates to a social profile account periodically.





