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Test a simple NorESM configuration with docker

NorESM docker container for 1850_CAM60%NORESM_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV compset and resolution f19_tn14.

  • A tarbal was prepared for this particular simulation with all the necessary input dataset and it is available on zenodo (3.1 GB)


Running NorESM-CAM6 with docker

NorESM source code

The NorESM source code is now freely available from

mkdir -p /opt/uio/packages
cd /opt/uio/packages
git clone -b release-noresm2.0.2

cd NorESM
rm -rf manage_externals
git clone -b manic-v1.1.8
sed -i.bak "s/'checkout'/'checkout', '--trust-server-cert', '--non-interactive'/" ./manage_externals/manic/
./manage_externals/checkout_externals -v

The NorESM source code is then passed to the docker container for running norESM.

NorESM docker

Make sure inputdata and norESM source code are available (it won't download them as we suppose they both are already on disk).

  • The location of the inputdata is /opt/uio/inputdata
  • The location of the norESM source code is /opt/uio/packages/noresm-dev
  • Model outputs are stored in /opt/uio/archive along with the case folder (it can be interesting to check timing).

Important: the folder /opt/uio/archive needs to be writable by unix group users (see Dockerfile) otherwise you will get a permission denied when running.

sudo chgrp -R users /opt/uio/archive
sudo chmod -R g+w /opt/uio/archive

You can check it:

ls -lrt /opt/uio | grep archive

You should have:

drwxrwxr-x.  8 centos users        4096 Nov  9 15:21 archive

Pull and run images

docker pull nordicesmhub/noresm:latest
docker run --shm-size 8G -i -v /opt/uio/inputdata:/home/cesm/inputdata -v /opt/uio/archive:/home/cesm/archive \
                            -v /opt/uio/packages:/home/cesm/packages -t nordicesmhub/noresm:latest
  • Here we are running a 5 days simulation using only 4 processors (which is really not much), and with this configuration we allocate 2GB per processor (this typically makes it possible to run on a laptop/desktop)

  • The case directory will remain available outside the container (in a folder called for thie example /opt/uio/archive/cases/cN1850)

  total pes active           : 4
  mpi tasks per node               : 4
  pe count for cost estimate : 4

  Overall Metrics:
    Model Cost:             655.24   pe-hrs/simulated_year
    Model Throughput:         0.15   simulated_years/day

    Init Time   :     375.254 seconds
    Run Time    :    8078.297 seconds     1615.659 seconds/day
    Final Time  :       1.535 seconds

You can now exit the container.

To return into the same container

Find the Container ID:

docker ps --all

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                        COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
d40294d23839        nordicesmhub/noresm:latest   "/bin/bash"         25 minutes ago      Exited (0) 59 seconds ago                       objective_meitner

Then execute:

docker start d40294d23839

You can check that the container is now up again:

docker ps --all
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                        COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
d40294d23839        nordicesmhub/noresm:latest   "/bin/bash"         25 minutes ago      Up 2 seconds                            objective_meitner

and go back into it by typing:

docker exec -it d40294d23839 bash
cesm@d40294d23839:~$ ls
archive  cases  inputdata  packages  run_noresm  work