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Binding between libgio (gsettings, glib, ...) and the Dotnet world. The naming convention is really close to the C++ version, however, instead of working with pointers, everything have been moved into objects for abstraction purpose. Also, the library does not expose the C++ pointer directly.

Example (F#, but c# is pretty much the same):

let showSchemas () = 
    let schemaSource = new GSettingsSchemaSource()
    let schemas = schemaSource.ListSchemas(false)
    printfn "\tRelocatable:"
    List.ofSeq schemas.Relocatable |> Seq.sortBy (fun f -> f) |> Seq.iter (fun schema -> printfn "\t\t%s" schema)
    printfn "\tNon-Relocatable:"
    List.ofSeq schemas.NonRelocatable |> Seq.sortBy (fun f -> f) |> Seq.iter (fun schema -> printfn "\t\t%s" schema)



There's a possibility of memory leak on a few calls. Since the projects is not advanced enough, it is not totally covered. However some part are already managed. This is due to the calls to the C++ library.


  • /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (LibGio)

How to run the Integration Tests

To avoid running the tests within Visual Studio, you can filter the tests to remove the Trait by adding the search condition to : -Trait:"Integration".

Except if you're on a MAC or Linux, the integration tests are going to fail. Why? Because, Glib is for the linux world.

If you plan to run your test application in Windows 10, it's possible under the WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux). You will be required to install at least the Glib (GSettings). Once this is completed, you will be able to start also your dbus using a command such as exec dbus-run-session -- bash. Normally, if you have an X-Server (gnome for example), the dbus session should be already started.

Future: Use some kind of attribute to skip those tests in the VS UI: AArnott/Xunit.SkippableFact#7 (comment)

Integration tests

From a linux console, ensure that you have gsettings, glib-compile-schemas and an active dbus session. In this case, we will keep the schema in our user home folder. For information, usually those file are located in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/.

# If DBus is not started (e.g.: WSL):
# > exec dbus-run-session -- bash
# ---
> GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=~/schemas/ dotnet test

During the test, we compile the schema included in the project and then move it into the home folder in order to compile it. Once it is compiled, the integration tests use that schema as a default schema to query.

Sample Application

FSharp Implementation

Basically a small application written in F#. It basically show a little the schemas and the key. Eventually it would be nice to also play with the value and etc.

C# Implementation

A very small app consuming the api. The current state is basically the beginning of a program. There's a project in order to make it more usable. That being said, F# or C#, the code is relatively similar in order to call the Library.

What is implemented

(Last update : 2019-04-22)

What Nb Func. Total Impl. Integration tests
GSettings 54 76% 69%
GSettingsBackend 11 0% 0%
GAction 11 91% 0%
GVariantType 29 100% 28%
GVariant 121 48% 28%
GString 32 6% 0%
GSettingsSchemaSource 23 100% 30%

Maybe coming also: DBus-Glib for communication within the bus.

More details in the Excel

Run from VSCode Windows + WSL

  • Not totally tested, but we can run the test using that.

Help wanted on

  • Make the application/tests run in docker (maybe?), I currently use SubSystem Linux in windows and it works. But it's a bit painful.
  • Look at possible memory leak due to the memory (need to free... sometimes some stuff... It's a bit herratic, like GString. I am trying to encapsulate so the people who uses the lib, don't need to manage the memory... but still)
  • Write an article?


License MIT

Note to myself


Map the LibGio to Dotnet Core. (Linux)








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