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Precomputed data

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@w-bruns w-bruns released this 14 Feb 11:00
· 1428 commits to release since this release

Changes relative to 3.8.0:

  1. Dependency on Boost replaced by own dynamic_bitset class (written by Max Horn).
  2. Use of precomputed data newly designed.
  3. Several little bugs fixed, especially in connection with "exotic" input. Several small improvements in the code.
  4. Build infrastructure cleaned up and simplified. Much closer to GNU standard now.
  5. New versions of CoCoALib and nauty integrated.
  6. Package structure of the release simplified: one package for source distribution, one for binary distribution (depending on platform).

The source distribution of Normaliz contains PyNormaliz 2.10, which is independently available at

The binary distribution contains jNormaliz.

If you do not want to build Normaliz yourself, download the binary package made for your platform and extract it in a directory of your choice. Otherwise (or in addition) download the source and extract it (in the same directory).

BUGFIX: As Jonathan Kliem noticed, there is a bug in the computation of affine dimension and recession rank for inhomogeneous precomputed data if the polyhedron is not full dimensional or has no vertices. The problem is fixed with cone.cpp below. Please replace source/libnormaliz/cone.cpp by this version.