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Welcome to the Zodiac GX firmware source code.

To build your own Zodiac GX firmware you will need to have access to a Linux, BSD or MacOSX system (case-sensitive filesystem required). Cygwin will not be supported because of the lack of case sensitiveness in the file system.
For information on setting up your computer and installing the required tools to build the Zodiac GX firmware image, please refer to the OpenWRT website at

Clone the Zodiac GX firmware repository to your local computer.
In the root directory run "./scripts/feeds update -a" to get all the latest package definitions.
Delete contents of the directory /feeds/packages/net/openvswitch/ and copy the files in the folder ZodiacGX_OpenvSwitch into it.
Run "./scripts/feeds install -a" to install symlinks of all of them into /package/feeds/
Copy the ZodiacGX_config file to .config
Update build dependencies by running "make defconfig"

Add or remove applications if required using "make menuconfig"

Simply running "make" will build your firmware. If you receive an error while building unbound remove the "--enable-tfo-client \" line from the CONFIGURE_ARGS list in the Makefile located in /feeds/packages/net/unbound

It will download all sources, build the cross-compile toolchain, the kernel and all chosen applications.
When the compilation is complete the resulting fimrware will be called "openwrt-ramips-mt7621-zodiac-gx-squashfs-sysupgrade" and be in /bin/targets/ramips/mt7621 directory.

Northbound Networks