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Releases: Nos78/MrData

MrData Production Build - Release Candidate v2.1.13

28 Sep 20:36
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This release marks a milestone in the development of MrData - including a rudimentary alert system that, when triggered, uses push notifications to immediately alert user(s) to an issue that requires their attention, such as their base being attacked. Various of the new upgrades are still being beta-tested, and some, although useable, are by no means in their completed form.

Standard style messages
MrData now has a standard style for all of his messages - this makes all his embed messages look the same. There is a standard colour for success and error messages, as well as a standard colour for any async messages. MrData can now offer immediate feedback to the user after initiating a command - so that any commands that have a delay in them, because the command is asynchronous, MrData will say "please wait..."

Not all commands have been modified to use the new standard message system - these will be modified when the command is updated. Any that are still not modified when the project is nearing completion, will be modified in bulk at that point.

System & Guild information
There are new commands that will a) output information on the system & OS that MrData is running on b) output information on the discord guild/server c) output information on a particular discord user.

Server settings
MrData now stores individual settings for each discord guild/server. To minimise database accesses, these settings are cached in memory, and written at a later date.

Default prefix
Using the settings (above), MrData can now have a customised prefix, which can be modified per server

Donations module
Using the standard messaging system (see above), MrData now adds donation information to his messages. These messages are timed so that MrData only adds donation text to a message every so often, to avoid spamming a channel or appear to be begging.

TODO: As well as being on a timer, MrData should count the messages and add a donation text every N messages.

A donation button was also added to the redalert web-portal.

Stability and Bug fixes
Various bugs that cause MrData to crash, or to spam a user with many messages after getting stuck in a loop, have been addressed. The members names are now included in the addroletorole command, so that the completion message is more meaningful.

Some extra command aliases were removed, deemed unnecessary.

Alliance Contributions donation-ometer
MrData can now track alliance contributions, by using the !alliancecontributions and !alliancecontributionstarget commands. When specifying the !alliancecontributions command without any data, MrData will output a donations thermometer, showing the current level of contributions, and giving a visual reference for how much is required to gain the next alliance level.

Release Candidate v2.0.1

03 Sep 20:34
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MrData now has a new settings library - this however is a breaking change, since previously only one pushToken was retained, whereas now it is an array of push tokens. This means that the data contained in the database will be broken, and requires extra code in order to fix.

This will be written in a later release.

Release Candidate v1.3.2

03 Sep 20:29
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Further changes to MrData push notifications - send a message to an alliance member using the new Red Alert system!

MrData Production Build - Test Release

25 Aug 04:59
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A number of issues have been addressed and ready for testing in the production environment. There were recent stability issues, which have been addressed. The database code has been streamlined to reduce the number of open connections.

The database itself has been migrated onto a new host. Should connectivity be lost, the bot may continue to be online even though its database is not. There is currently no feedback when this happens.

Extra statistics collection:

  • Alliance help sent and missions completed where missing from the last feature drop. They are now included in the build.

New Features:

  • !removeuser - this command removes a user from the guild's scores table. The user must no longer be a member of the server for this command to work. The command can only be entered by Administrators or privileged members since existing users cannot be deleted, this may be changed on user feedback, since there is no risk of data loss if non admins perform the command
  • !export - by popular demand, you can now download your server's scores in a CSV format, which can be imported into your favourite spreadsheet package. This feature is in development, and as such, you may notice problems. Most notably, the user names are not yet imported, only the user IDs.

v1.1.1 - MrData Public Release

19 May 23:34
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Discord Bot for the mobile MMO game Star Trek Fleet Command, providing your alliance with an interactive scoring system using the game's player statistics, plus a whole host of alliance-related features.


Minor features upgrade, including auto-updating league tables contained in the power, power-destroyed and resources-raided channels (if they exist). This incremental release also includes various bug fixes.

  • New commands, including:
    ++ !send command, which allows an Administrator to send a message as the bot.
    ++ !changenickname, which allows users to change their own nickname. Administrators can use this to change other users' nicknames.
  • new configuration options, such as deleting the message containing the calling command, once the command has been successfully executed.

v1.1.0 -

11 May 01:53
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Discord Bot for the mobile MMO game Star Trek Fleet Command, providing your alliance with an interactive scoring system using the game's player statistics, plus a whole host of alliance-related features.


  • introduces major changes to the bot's database. The database has migrated from a single score table, and now uses a relational database. Users and Guilds are seperated into their own table.
  • Lots of extra commands have been added to this release, covering all of the stats provided within the player profile dialog box within STFC.
  • Extra alliance utility commands.

Use !datahelp to view the full command list.

NOTE: This bot will not work if you simply install over the top of an existing installation. If you are upgrading the bot (rather than installing fresh):

  • Kill the current version of your bot (for example, sudo systemctl stop MrData.service).
  • copy the content of /db/upgrade/102-11/upgrade.sql file into a pg-Admin query, and execute it.
  • Restart the service.

1.0.2 - Modular command system

14 Apr 16:16
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Incremental release

Major change to the command system. Instead of a switch case statement within the main bot script, commands are now loaded dynamically from the file system.

This allows for Plug and Play command scripts to be dropped into the command/ directory, and the bot will automatically grab this new command (on restart).

Incremental development release

14 Mar 01:18
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Discord bot, for STFC alliances running Discord.

Provides the following commands:

  • !helpdata - shows the help

  • !ping - returns a pong notification, with time taken/latency

  • !pd - shows the top 10 rankings for 'power destroyed' scores.

  • !pd number - adds the user's pd to the database.

  • !pd name - shows the @user's 'power destroyed' score to the database.

  • !pd name number - adds the @user's 'power destroyed' score to the database (Only members of the 'Admin' group can use this command.

  • !rr - shows the top 10 rankings for 'resources raided' scores.

  • !rr number - adds the user's 'resources raided' to the database.

  • !rr name - adds the user's 'resources raided' to the database.

  • !rr name number - adds the @user's 'resources raided' score to the database (Only members of the 'Admin' group can use this command.

The check for 'Admin' role is hardcoded. This should be made bot-owner configurable.
Some refactoring is required in bot.js.

Initial release

10 Mar 23:25
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Initial release Pre-release

Initial release of MrData

Rudimentary functionality, running under on localhost and served via postgres database.

Provides the following commands:

  • !helpdata - shows the help
  • !ping - returns a pong notification, with time taken/latency
  • !pd - adds the user's pd to the database.
  • !pd - shows the top 10 rankings.
  • !rr - adds the user's rr to the database.
  • !rr - shows the top 10 rankings.