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Nostress767 edited this page Jun 27, 2022 · 6 revisions

About this project

This is a personal project, that will be used as a foundation for other projects.
This means that things will be done my way, not necessarily the best or most optimal way.
Regardless, feel free to make any suggestions or try to help me, I just can't guarantee that I will respond or address everything.
Also, this project has no regard for safety, use at your own risk. No functions check for failing and any error will just crash the program immediately, leaving the memory deallocation for the operating system to take care of.

How to use the header

Just include it like any other C style header.

The basic functionality can be found in the rest of the wiki:

Purpose of this project

This was made as a mean of drawing pixels on the screen without any dependencies on frameworks or other languages.
I chose C, because it is a very small and simple language, but other ports will be made in the future.

The idea behind any features is to make this a library capable of building a game or capable of representing algorithms.
Also, it should only provide the minimal necessary conditions for doing so, everything else will be up to you to implement.


The very start of the project was inspired by the Handmade Hero series.
The font drawing idea was taken directly from One Lone Coder's Pixel Game Engine. He (javidx9) also has a YouTube channel covering many useful topics concerning low level graphics and programming in general if you are interested.
The functions structure are taken from Ray's raylib project.
The PNG support is made possible by the stb_image header.
Audio comes from the miniaudio library.