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Multicall2 tryAggregate() support for Nethereum


This is very similar to the official Nethereum's Multicall, however, the TFunctionOutput here contains a bool? Success property to indicate if a single call has failed (false), not been completed yet (null), or succeeded (true).

Additionally, the whole call won't fail when a single contract call in your multicall fails.
Instead you still get valid results for all calls which did succeed.

Example usage

This code will use Multicall2 to get the Symbol and Decimals from a list of ERC20 tokens.
When the ERC20 token was able to be successfully recovered, we parse it into a DexToken object.

using Nethereum.Contracts.QueryHandlers.MultiCall2;

/// <summary>
/// Returns a list of DexToken info
/// <poolAddress>
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<List<DexToken>> BulkGetTokenInfo(List<string> tokenAddresses)
    // Run symbol requests
    var tokenAddressAndSymbolInput = tokenAddresses
        .Select(x => (x, new SymbolFunctionMessage()))
    var symbolsResults = await RunMulticall<SymbolFunctionMessage, SymbolOutputDTO>(
        tokenAddressAndSymbolInput, 500);

    // Run decimals request
    var tokenAddressAndDecimalsInput = tokenAddresses
        .Select(x => (x, new DecimalsFunctionMessage()))
    var decimalsResult = await RunMulticall<DecimalsFunctionMessage, DecimalsOutputDTO>(
        tokenAddressAndDecimalsInput, 500);

    // Generate result
    List<DexToken> result = new List<DexToken>();
    for (int i = 0; i < tokenAddresses.Count; i++)
        // Item1: Input Function Message
        // Item2: Output Data
        // Item3: Is Successful bool
        if (decimalsResult[i].Item3 && symbolsResults[i].Item3) // if success
            result.Add(new DexToken()
                TokenAddress = tokenAddresses[i],
                Decimals = decimalsResult[i].Item2.Decimals,
                Shortname = symbolsResults[i].Item2.Symbol
    return result;

/// <summary>
/// Runs a multicall with one or more contracts, different functions allowed.
/// Length is irrelevant as you can use chunkSize to limit how many calls are made in one go.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TFunctionMessage">Must be FunctionMessage</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TFunctionOutput">Must be IFunctionOutputDTO</typeparam>
/// <param name="inputs">list of FunctionMessage</param>
/// <param name="chunkSize">how many queries to run in one call</param>
/// <returns>Returns mapped input and output for every functionmessage</returns>
public async Task<List<(TFunctionMessage, TFunctionOutput, bool)>>
    RunMulticall<TFunctionMessage, TFunctionOutput>(
    List<(string, TFunctionMessage)> addressesAndInputs, int chunkSize = 100)
    where TFunctionMessage : FunctionMessage, new()
    where TFunctionOutput : IFunctionOutputDTO, new()
    // You can find a Multicall2 contract address for your chain here:
    string multiCall2ContractAddress = "0x5ba1e12693dc8f9c48aad8770482f4739beed696";

    // Endpoint for your chain
    Uri endpointUri = new Uri("");

    // Prep handlers
    var client = new RpcClient(endpointUri);
    var web3 = new Web3(client);
    var multiQueryHandler = web3.Eth.GetMulti2QueryHandler(multiCall2ContractAddress);

    // map to MulticallInputOutput
    List<(TFunctionMessage, Multicall2InputOutput<TFunctionMessage, TFunctionOutput>)[]> chunks =
        addressesAndInputs.Select(x => (x.Item2, new Multicall2InputOutput<TFunctionMessage, TFunctionOutput>(x.Item2, x.Item1)))

    // Run multicalls
    foreach (var chunkMulticallInputOutputs in chunks) 
        await multiQueryHandler.MultiCall2Async(chunkMulticallInputOutputs.Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray());

    // Extract data and return
    List<(TFunctionMessage, TFunctionOutput, bool)> result = new();
    foreach (var chunk in chunks)
        foreach (var data in chunk)
            result.Add((data.Item1, data.Item2.Output, data.Item2.Success.Value));
    return result;

// Function input and output defintions
[Function("symbol", "string")]
public class SymbolFunctionMessage : FunctionMessage { }

public class SymbolOutputDTO : IFunctionOutputDTO
    [Parameter("string")] public string Symbol { get; set; }

[Function("decimals", "uint8")]
public class DecimalsFunctionMessage : FunctionMessage { }

public class DecimalsOutputDTO : IFunctionOutputDTO
    [Parameter("uint8")] public int Decimals { get; set; }

// Output object
public class DexToken : IEquatable<DexToken>
    public string Shortname { get; set; }
    public string TokenAddress { get; set; }
    public int Decimals { get; set; }


Multicall2 tryAggregate() support for Nethereum








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