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Node.js Package Node.js CI License: MIT CodeQL

ngx-json-config allows for loading of json config files on Angular startup for dynamic configurations that are not included during compile time (like environment vars).


npm install @noticia-systems/ngx-json-config


Define one or more config interfaces:

export interface AppConfig {
    exampleApiUrl: string;
    exampleApiKey: string;

Create an InjectionToken (e.g. in the AppModule or the interface file) for the defined config interfaces:

export const APP_CONFIG = new InjectionToken<AppConfig>('AppConfig');

Configure the module for the config usage:

  providers: [
    // include the JsonConfigService 
    // load the configs in the APP_INITIALIZER
      provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
      useFactory: (jsonConfigService: JsonConfigService) => () => jsonConfigService.load$([
          identifier: APP_CONFIG,
          url: '/assets/app-config.json'
      deps: [JsonConfigService],
      multi: true
    // create provider to inject the config into classes.
      provide: APP_CONFIG,
      useFactory: (jsonConfigService: JsonConfigService) => jsonConfigService.get(APP_CONFIG),
      deps: [JsonConfigService]
export class AppModule {

Inject the configs into classes:

export class TestService {
  constructor(@Inject(APP_CONFIG) public appConfig: AppConfig) {}