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Node.js Package Node.js CI License: MIT CodeQL

ngx-material-tree-extensions adds a service wrapper for Material trees and provides several useful extension methods for manipulating the trees.

This package is used for flat Material trees, as they are generally more simple to work with and provide additional information (like the current level).


npm install @noticia-systems/ngx-material-tree-extensions


Define an interface representing a single node that shall be displayed in your tree:

export interface DemoNode extends ITreeNode<DemoNode> {
  name: string;

Your node has to extend ITreeNode<TTreeNode>!

In your component displaying the tree inject the TreeNodeService<TTreeNode>:

constructor(public treeNodeService: TreeNodeService<DemoNode>)

You can set the initial data of the tree by setting the data property: = demoNodes;

Where demoNodes is an array of DemoNode.

For simplicity an observable of the data is available:$

Within the template of your component, the following allows for correct use of the TreeNodeService<TTreeNode>:

<mat-tree [dataSource]="treeNodeService.dataSource" [treeControl]="treeNodeService.treeControl">
  <mat-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let flatNode">

flatNode.node allows accessing the underlying DemoNode. flatNode.level and flatNode.expandable indicate the current depth of the tree node and the existence of children on the node respectively.

TreeNodeService<TTreeNode> provides several methods for manipulating and retrieving information about the tree. Please refer to the wiki for more documentation about these methods.