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A pokemon list where you can see the pokemon status and comments about it.


Try it out now at


Pokemons' info obtains from

Below are the implemented features:

  • List of all pokemons
  • A pokemon page where you can see the height, weight and type of that pokemon
  • Input where you can search for a pokemon
  • Google login
  • See comments
  • Comment


The following tools and frameworks were used in the construction of the project:

vite; react; react-router-dom; styled-components; axios; mui/material; mui/icons-material; cypress; react-google-login;

How to run

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Clone the back-end repository at
  3. Follow instructions to run the back-end at
  4. Install dependencies

npm i

  1. Add and config a .env file
  2. Run the front-end with

npm run dev

This script will open a window in your browser, if don't you can access http://localhost:5173 on your favorite browser (unless it is Internet Explorer. In this case, review your life decisions)

  1. You can optionally build the project running

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.