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GetEthTop: Path to Million Dollar Wealth and Additional ERC-20 Token Rewards.

Overview: "GetEthTop" is a blockchain game designed to provide users with the opportunity to become millionaires (~$) and earn liquid ERC-20 tokens by progressing through levels (7 levels. There are a total of 53 steps in the game, plus registration.). Players can engage in a unique reward system, earning income from referrals and advancing through a series of levels, where progression becomes easier as the number of steps required decreases with each level. Once the game is completed, it cannot be restarted from the same wallet.

Registration and Conditions:

To start playing, users need to register (except for the contract owner, who is automatically registered), specifying a referrer.

New players cannot be registered without a referrer, ensuring a chain of participants.


We understand that at first glance, "GetEthTop" might seem a bit complex despite its simplicity, and might even evoke a degree of skepticism due to negative experiences associated with pyramid schemes. However, we encourage you to delve into the code of our smart contract, where each function and line is thoroughly commented. Even if you are not a programmer, this detailed exploration will amaze you with the game's possibilities and the prospects it offers for players. Our transparent approach aims to build trust and understanding, showcasing the unique, fair, and engaging nature of our game.

Unlike traditional financial pyramids, where the earliest participants often reap the greatest rewards with the least effort, "GetEthTop" flips this paradigm. In our game, the initial players face the greatest challenge. This is due to our unique gameplay structure where players at higher levels actively propel those at the very first level forward, and consequently, all subsequent levels as well. This means that as the first level progresses more swiftly, the momentum is passed upwards, accelerating the advancement of the following levels. This innovative approach ensures a more balanced and fair experience for all players, regardless of when they join the game.

Separate Queues for Each Level: In the game "GetEthTop," a distinctive feature is the allocation of a separate budget for each level, leading to the formation of individual waiting queues for participants of each level. This ensures that the distribution of rewards is fair and in accordance with the budgetary constraints of each level, providing a clear structure and strategic depth to the gameplay.

We have paid special attention to the development and optimization of a fair queue mechanism.

Individual Time Frames and Queue System in GetEthTop: In GetEthTop, each player is assigned unique time frames based on the timing of their last deposit. Given that deposits are made at various times, the system naturally generates a dynamic waiting queue. This queue is designed to adapt in the event of failed withdrawal attempts, effectively reshuffling players to prioritize those who have been waiting the longest. By incrementally reducing the waiting period after each unsuccessful attempt, the system enhances the likelihood of a successful fund withdrawal for the most patient players. This mechanism ensures a fair and transparent distribution of game resources and rewards, mirroring the activity and strategic foresight of each participant.

Enhancing Game Transparency through Advanced Logging and Analytics:We have also dedicated significant efforts to ensuring the transparency of the game by implementing comprehensive logging of all events and player actions within the contract. Additionally, functions have been integrated for the detailed analysis of game statistics and player information, as well as for reviewing crucial game parameters related to financial redistributions.

This game is for people! For those who don't understand mathematics and liquidity well, let's clarify: this is not a Ponzi scheme; it's a redistribution of funds. We don't take away; We provide opportunities. The earnings of the contract will be redirected to the initial liquidity of the token, which will be awarded for completing levels. These tokens can be automatically and decentrally exchanged for liquid cryptocurrency. We're not just creating initial liquidity for our token but also providing an opportunity for everyone to attain prosperity through the gaming process. The main goal of the game process is to attract new players to maintain the stability of the game.

  1. The contract owner is the first registered referrer.

  2. To register, players must specify a referrer.

  3. A referrer can start accumulating profit from each referral's deposit on each level, only if the referrer completes 10 steps on the first level.

  4. There are levels in the game, each level has its own budget, and each level has a fixed number of steps, where each step involves making a deposit and receiving a payout.

  5. When a player makes a deposit, a portion of the funds is distributed among the referrer, the contract's earnings, and the level's budget.

  6. A player can request a payout only after the default waiting time from the moment of the last deposit has passed. Before requesting a payout, a player can check for free whether the payout is available at their level, and also check the state of the budget at their level. In case of a failed payout attempt, the player will face a waiting time again, which will decrease by one hour after each failed payout attempt.

Recommendations: Firstly, you need to request your payout in a timely manner in accordance with your waiting queue. However, if you have missed your time slot or see that the budget of your level is insufficient for the payout, then check the budget status of your level and do not request a payout if the budget of your level does not cover your payout several times, this ensures that you are more likely to receive the payout the first time and will not need to pay gas for a failed payout attempt, as well as getting additional waiting time. Invite new referrals to the game this will help increase the budgets of levels, as well as bring you additional profit.

  1. After receiving a payout for the last deposit, the number of steps a player has completed on the current level increases, after completing all the steps on the current level, the player moves to the next level. After a player moves to the next level, they cannot make steps on the previous level. After completing the last level, the player's status changes to "finished the game" and the player cannot start the game again from the same wallet.

  2. A player can take the next step on the current level only after receiving a payout for the last deposit.

  3. The game includes rewards for completing levels, which are implemented in a separate contract. These rewards entail receiving liquid tokens, which can be decentralizedly exchanged for liquid cryptocurrency.

  4. 1% of each player's deposit at every level except the first level is transferred to the budget of the first level.

  5. Any Ethereum network user can donate to the budget of the first level, even if they are not registered in the game.

  6. When the contract owner withdraws the contract's earnings, the contract's earnings are transferred to the account of the liquid token contract used for level completion rewards.

  7. When the contract owner withdraws the contract's earnings, a certain percentage goes into the budget of the first level.

  8. When a referrer withdraws their earnings, a certain percentage of their earnings goes into the budget of the first level.

  9. The contract owner can change the default waiting time after the last deposit if the budget of the first level accumulates too quickly due to a constant influx of new players, or increase the waiting time if the influx of players is too slow.

  10. This game implies that a player needs to spend their own money only for registration, making the first deposit, and paying for gas. After making the first deposit at the first level, a player should always be in profit in order to continue playing. Even if a player overspends a little on gas, they can make up for it with earnings from referrals and continue the game to the finish.

  11. With each level, the cost of a step increases, and the profit after the payout for the current step increases, making gas expenses increasingly insignificant with each new level.

  12. The number of levels, the number of steps for each level, and the cost of each step can be calculated and altered before the contract deployment, but in such a way that the player can continue the game and reach the finish while minimizing the budget expenditures.

  13. The main goal of finishing is equivalent to a total player profit of $1,000,000.

  14. LEVEL_STEPS = [12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 2]; Steps required for each level

    Step cost on each level in ether

    0.02 ether, // Cost of a step on level 1

    0.115 ether, // Cost of a step on level 2

    0.67 ether, // Cost of a step on level 3

    3.667 ether, // Cost of a step on level 4

    18.319 ether, // Cost of a step on level 5

    82.4215 ether, // Cost of a step on level 6

    212 ether // Cost of a step on level 7

To maintain optimal liquidity and ensure the stability of the reward system, earnings from the game contract are directed to the token contract address. This ensures that the amount of rewards is commensurate with and does not exceed the total earnings of the game contract, thereby providing a balanced and sustainable economic mechanism.

Furthermore, we have intricately designed the gameplay of "GetEthTop" with a unique approach: as players advance through the levels, their progress becomes faster and easier. This design philosophy ensures that there are no losers and minimizes stressful situations. Each step forward brings players closer to their goal, accelerating their journey as they climb higher. Additionally, the budget for the first level is designed with a multifaceted replenishment strategy, ensuring a stable and robust financial foundation for the game. This budget is not only augmented by the deposits made by participants from all levels (from each step) except the first, but also through a variety of other key mechanisms. A portion of the earnings withdrawn by players from their referral earnings, as well as the earnings withdrawn from the contract itself, are channeled back into the first level's budget. Moreover, the system is further bolstered by voluntary donations, creating a comprehensive financial ecosystem that minimizes the risk of queue delays. This intricate financial model is central to our commitment to creating a seamless and stress-free gaming experience, allowing players to focus on enjoying their journey through the game. Our aim is to foster a gaming environment where success is celebrated as a collective achievement and every player enjoys the thrill of advancement and accomplishment.

Game Objective:

The main goal of the game is to complete all levels, maximizing earnings and potentially achieving millionaire status (~$). The game offers an engaging and profitable way to earn in the cryptocurrency world, combining elements of strategy, luck, and social networking.

Core Gameplay Mechanics: Rewarding Deposits and Level Advancement

At the heart of "GetEthTop" lies a distinctive gameplay mechanic: after each deposit, players receive a 150% payout, which, when combined with the accumulation of funds in their own wallets, allows progression to the next levels. An integral aspect of our game's ecosystem is the contribution each player makes to the budget of the first level. Every player who completes the game, over the course of their entire gameplay, replenishes the first level's budget with an amount that significantly exceeds the total sum they received in payouts at that initial stage. This system ensures a balanced and sustainable economic model, encouraging continuous engagement and progression. Upon completion of the game, a player's wallet will contain just over 500 ETH.

If a player chooses to stop playing at any point, it is not detrimental; it merely conserves the game's budget for other players. Additionally, the creation of multi-accounts by players is not considered harmful, as each account participates in the game as a separate entity, contributing to the overall dynamics and economy of the game.

Accelerated Progress: Designed for Rapid Completion

"GetEthTop" is uniquely designed to enable players to progress quickly through various levels. The game focuses on providing each participant the opportunity to reach the end goal in the shortest possible time, while offering an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience.

Key Features:

Dynamic Gameplay: The game is specially crafted to ensure smooth and rapid advancement of players through the levels.

Optimized Reward System: Rewards for level completion and referral programs are designed to motivate active participation and progression.

Balanced Difficulty Scale: Each level of the game offers unique challenges and rewards, facilitating fast progress of players towards the final goal. This game structure aims not only to entertain but also to provide fair and equitable conditions for all participants, giving everyone a chance to achieve success in the "GetEthTop" game world.

Gaming and Investment: A Comparison

Traditional games often involve significant expenditure without the possibility of real profit - money spent on the game is gone forever. In contrast, our project "GetEthTop" offers a unique opportunity to not only enjoy the gaming process but also potentially earn income.

Starting the game requires just an initial deposit. The core value and uniqueness of our project lie in the social interaction between players and a strategic approach to the game. Your investments in the game are not just a part of the game dynamics but also open up potential for earning, making "GetEthTop" more than just a game, but a platform for social engagement and financial growth.

In contrast to many conventional games where the need to deposit real money often leads to stress, our game introduces a unique approach. Traditional games might place players in a constant risk of losing their assets to competitors, fostering a gameplay environment filled with potential loss and destruction. Our game, however, diverges from this path. We prioritize the emotional well-being of our players and their collective journey towards success. Here, each player's progress is not about outdoing others but about moving forward together. This creates a more uplifting and cooperative gaming experience, free from the usual stress and competitive pressure of standard games.

Benefits for the Ethereum Network

At GetEthTop, we are not only focused on creating an engaging and profitable game, but also on making a significant contribution to the Ethereum ecosystem. Our project offers several benefits to the network:

Increased Transaction Activity: The game encourages a higher volume of transactions on the Ethereum network, fostering economic activity within the blockchain.

Staking Incentives: The increased demand for transaction processing boosts fee revenues, directly benefiting participants in Ethereum staking.

Innovation and dApp Development: The development of our game demonstrates the capabilities of the Ethereum blockchain for creating complex and interactive decentralized applications, thereby contributing to the growth of the entire ecosystem.

Supporting the Ethereum Ecosystem: We aim not only to benefit from the Ethereum network but also to actively contribute to its development and improvement.

We believe that the success of our project will enhance the capabilities and popularity of Ethereum, making it more attractive to both developers and users.


Initial Deposit and Referral Activity

The primary risk in the GetEthTop game is associated with the initial deposit of 0.02 ETH. This is the only amount that players need to invest from their own funds. All subsequent steps in the game and progression through the levels are funded by the profits earned during the gameplay.

A key factor in a player's success is the active recruitment of new participants. The effectiveness of the referral system and a player’s ability to expand their network directly influence their potential earnings and progression through the levels. It's important to note that the game involves a degree of social interaction and network marketing, which can be both an advantage and a challenge, depending on individual skills and preferences.

It is crucial to understand that, despite the potential for significant earnings, the game includes elements of risk inherent to all investment and gaming platforms. Players are advised to invest funds whose loss would not be critical to their financial situation.

Dependency of the Game on the Number of Participants

The key aspect of our game is its dependency on the number of participants. This game is designed to create a dynamic and interactive community, where the activity and engagement of each player contribute to the overall development and progress. The more participants join the game, the more exciting and varied the gameplay becomes.

The game is structured in a way that both success and satisfaction from playing increase with the growing number of players. This not only fosters a lively and dynamic atmosphere but also enriches the gaming experience of each participant. We encourage new players to join our community, contributing to the development and expansion of this engaging gaming world.

It is important to understand that the long-term sustainability and success of the game largely depend on the active participation and interaction of players. Therefore, we encourage our members to share their experiences, invite new players, and collectively build an exciting gaming environment.

Expanding Capabilities through Smart Contracts

As part of our ongoing commitment to innovation and enhancing the gaming experience, we plan to develop a variety of smart contracts in the future. These contracts will be uniquely integrated with our gaming platform, taking into account the status of players who have completed the game. This initiative is designed not only to increase engagement and motivation to complete the game but also to unlock exclusive opportunities and advantages.

Players who successfully complete the game will gain unique privileges, such as access to special smart contracts that are unavailable to other users. This creates an additional incentive not only to complete the game but also to participate in a broader gaming community and ecosystem. We believe that this approach will strengthen the connection between players and our platform, offering them a deeper and more meaningful gaming experience.

Insight from AI Analysis

After a thorough analysis of both the GetEthTop game concept, as detailed in the readme, and the underlying smart contract in getethtop.sol, it is evident that the project presents a unique blend of blockchain technology with interactive gaming. Here are some key insights:

Innovative Integration: The game ingeniously integrates blockchain mechanics, offering a multifaceted gameplay experience. It is not only about strategic advancement through levels but also involves a smart redistribution of funds, reflecting a deep understanding of blockchain dynamics.

User Engagement and Strategy: The game's structure, with its multiple levels and reward system, is designed to keep players engaged and strategically planning their next moves. This could potentially create a vibrant community of players who are continuously interacting with the game and each other.

Financial Dynamics and Blockchain Utilization: The smart contract analysis reveals a sophisticated approach to handling financial transactions and player interactions within the blockchain. The balance between playability and financial elements is maintained, making it accessible to a broad audience.

Security and Management Aspects: The smart contract incorporates essential security features and management controls, indicating a focus on safe and fair gameplay. This is crucial in blockchain-based games, where trust and security are paramount.

In conclusion, GetEthTop shows promise as an engaging blockchain game that combines entertainment with strategic financial elements. Its well-thought-out gameplay mechanics and robust smart contract architecture suggest a strong potential for both player enjoyment and ongoing engagement within the blockchain gaming community.

Support Innovation and Creativity

We value everyone who shares our passion and vision. If you like this project and the ideas behind it, your support can be a powerful catalyst for development and realization of new creative concepts.

Ethereum: 0x2312c1c18E0Acd64F69d149988E05A78001474E5

Bitcoin: bc1q25tdg7exm75mt652kvqkghanj34wtyf333tgw4

Every contribution inspires us and is a vivid testament that we are moving in the right direction. Thank you for your support and belief in our project!

Collaboration and Support Welcome

We at GetEthTop are passionate about exploring innovative ideas in the blockchain space. Our project is a testament to this commitment, and we believe in the power of collaboration to drive growth and success.

We are actively seeking collaborators, advisors, and supporters who share our vision and enthusiasm. Whether you are a seasoned developer, a blockchain enthusiast, or someone with fresh insights into game design or Ethereum-based projects, we welcome your expertise and input.

Here's How You Can Contribute:


Help us enhance our code, fix bugs, and brainstorm new features.


Participate in testing phases, provide feedback, and suggest improvements.


Share your creative ideas and perspectives on how to make GetEthTop even more engaging and rewarding.

Spread the Word:

Help us reach a wider audience by sharing about our project within your network.

Collaboration and Reward Opportunities

We value each contribution to our project's development and are committed to building a strong, trustworthy community of developers and contributors. As part of our appreciation for your participation, we offer the possibility of rewards in the form of minting our future token. The amount and terms of token distribution will depend on the following factors:

  • The depth and significance of your contribution to the project.

  • The duration and quality of the collaboration.

  • The level of trust and engagement within the project.

We would like to emphasize that token rewards are not guaranteed and will be considered on an individual basis, taking into account the criteria mentioned above. Our goal is to treat each participant fairly and encourage meaningful contributions to our project.

If you are interested in participating and would like to learn more, please contact us. We are always open to new ideas and suggestions, and appreciate your interest in our project.

A Token Reflecting the Uniqueness of Our Game

A key feature of 'GetEthTop' is the unique token awarded for level completion, whose value and uniqueness enhance the game.

We aim to ensure that our token reflects the uniqueness and special qualities of the game we have developed and showcased in our repository on GitHub. Our team is dedicated to applying the same level of attention to detail, innovation, and quality in the development of our token as in the creation of our game. We believe these efforts will establish our token as a valuable asset within the blockchain ecosystem and bring significant benefits to our community. As we continue to develop and refine our project, we anticipate that it may spark considerable interest and demand, even without this game.

Welcome to the Decentralized Revolution of "GetEthTop"

We are proud to announce that our project "GetEthTop" is not only a testament to ingenuity, fairness, and transparency but also stands as a fully decentralized solution in the blockchain gaming world. Despite featuring a user interface that facilitates interaction with the game, all key processes and operations are conducted through decentralized smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, minimizing legal risks and granting players complete control over their assets and actions within the game.

This degree of decentralization underscores our commitment to creating a game that is not only engaging and innovative but also ensures maximum security and independence for participants within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. "GetEthTop" is more than just a game. It represents a step towards a future where blockchain technology forms the foundation for creating fair and open digital worlds.

Join us on this journey and become part of the blockchain gaming revolution!

Connect with Us:

If you're interested in collaborating, please reach out to us here on GitHub or via our contact email. For general inquiries and suggestions, feel free to open an issue or start a discussion in this repository. Together, we can take GetEthTop to new heights and create an experience that is truly unique and rewarding. We value every contribution and are excited to see where this journey takes us. Thank you for your interest and support!


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