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Nox.Reference is a reference library that provides convenient access to universal information like country, machine, and IP address. For data persistence Nox.Reference uses SQLite databases which are divided by domain-specific responsibilities.

Nox.Reference represents the following packages:

  • Nox.Reference.World
  • Nox.Reference.Machine
  • Nox.Reference.IpAddress

Solution design convention:

  • All entities in a project should be placed in the folder {ProjectName}/Entities/{Plural Entity Name}/{Singular Entity Name}.cs
  • All entity configuration in a project should be placed in the folder {ProjectName}/Configurations/{Plural Entity Name}Configuration.cs
  • All data seeder in a project should be placed in the folder {ProjectName}/Seeds/{Plural Entity Name}DataSeeder.cs
  • All data mapping in a project should be placed in the folder {ProjectName}/Mappings/{Plural Entity Name}Mapping.cs
  • Configuration and DataSeeder classes should have an internal access level to avoid being exposed to external usages.


Contains common logic to facilitate implementation and invocation for major entities and their configurations. IKeyedNoxReferenceEntity - use this interface when an entity is bound to contain Id field. Id property type can vary. NoxReferenceEntityBase - base class for all entities intended to be stored in a database. NoxReferenceDataSeederBase<TDbContext, TSource, TEntity> - base class for data seeder to load and transform input data to entities. EnumGeneratorService - a class that can be used for enum generation. These enums help to get static data and are usually used as parameters for methods that obtain data.

NoxReferenceDataSeederBase<TDbContext, TSource, TEntity> contains the following properties which should be overridden in derived classes: public override string TargetFileName => "Nox.Reference.Currencies.json"; // File which presists transformed data in json. public override string DataFolderPath => "Currencies"; // Folder name in output folder.

To create a new entity in any project do the following steps:

  • Define the class inherited from NoxReferenceEntityBase. (in case the entity supports Id property implement IKeyedNoxReferenceEntity interface with the necessary type).

public class Country : NoxReferenceEntityBase, IKeyedNoxReferenceEntity<string>
	// Should be defined as how to build the key.
	// Id field is not persisted in a database.
	public string Id => Code;

  • Create a configuration for an entity in appropriated folder

internal class CultureConfiguration : NoxReferenceEntityConfigurationBase<Culture>

If entity supports Id property then derive from class.

NoxReferenceKeyedEntityConfigurationBase<TEntity, TKey>

(Note: it doesn't need to register configuration in dataContext class, all configurations will be registered automatically)

How to write custom data seeder.

DataSeeder is a class that serves to load external data with dto and transform them into matching entities.

  • Create a class according to name convention (For example CountryDataSeeder.cs)

  • It can implement interface INoxReferenceDataSeeder. Write any custom logic in Seed() method.

  • To significantly reduce common work it is possible to derive from NoxReferenceDataSeederBase<,,> class that already implements common logic.

public class CountryDataSeeder : NoxReferenceDataSeederBase<WorldDbContext, CountryInfo, Country>
  • Override method IReadOnlyList<TSource> GetFlatEntitiesFromDataSources()

  • Register data seeder in the data flow in the following line in DataSeederExtensions file.

services.AddScoped<INoxReferenceDataSeeder, CurrencyDataSeeder>(); // you can exclude dataloader from flow if necessary, especially for debug purposes.

How to transform input data into an entity.

  • Create an Automapper profile and set up a mapping
 internal class CurrencyMapping : Profile
  • For a complex scenario like resolving related entities or just using dependency injection during the transformation use the approach outlined in the example below:
CreateMap<string, Country>().ConvertUsing<CountrySingleMapping>();
internal  CountrySingleMapping : ITypeConverter<string, Country>{}

  • To convert an entity to a DTO Nox.Reference provides an extension method of any entity derived from NoxReferenceEntityBase ToDto<>() method should be typed by an appropriate DTO which is already mapped to the entity. Also, there is an overload ToDto<>() which facilitates handling the conversion list of DTOs to entities.

How to add migration for a particular data context :

  • Open Developer Powershell in Visual Studio
  • Go to the ceratin project folder: ls Nox.Reference\src\Nox.Reference.Data.World
  • Run command
dotnet ef  migrations add {MigrationName}  -s Nox.Reference.Data.World.csproj

If the command ran successfully migration will be created.

  • Then apply migration over the database
  dotnet ef database update --connection "Data Source=..\\..\\data\\output\\sqlite\\NoxReference.World.db"

How to bump package version locally:

  • from the root folder run script bump-version
goo bump-version {versionNumber}
  • run script move-nugets
goo move-nugets
  • copy packages from generated-packages folder to LocalFeed folder if LocalFeed folder does not exist then add LocalFeed folder to solution

How to change configuration settings:

There is a file noxReferenceSettings.json in Nox.Reference.Common project.

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "NoxReferenceMachineConnection": "Data Source=.\\NoxReferenceDatabase\\Nox.Reference.Machine.db",
    "NoxReferenceWorldConnection": "Data Source=.\\NoxReferenceDatabase\\Nox.Reference.World.db",
    "NoxReferenceDataLoadWorldConnection": "Data Source=..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\data\\output\\sqlite\\Nox.Reference.World.db", 
    "NoxReferenceDataLoadMachineConnection": "Data Source=..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\data\\output\\sqlite\\Nox.Reference.Machine.db"
  "SourceDataPath": "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\data\\input\\source\\",
  "TargetDataPath": "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\data\\output\\raw-json\\",
  "UriMacAddresses": "",
  "UriRestWorldCurrencies": "",
  "UriRestCurrencyFormatterCurrencies": "",
  "UriRestCountries": "",
  "UriLanguagesISO639": "",
  "UriLanguagesAdditionalInfo": "",
  "VatNumberDefinitionDataPath": "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\data\\Nox.Reference.VatNumbers.json",
  "HolidaysZipPath": "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\data\\",
  "UriLocalePlanetList": "",
  "UriLocalePlanetItem": "{localeCode}/index.html",
  "TimeZoneUrl": "",
  "NodaTimeUrl": "",
  "PhoneCarrierDataPath": "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\data\\input\\source\\PhoneNumbers\\Nox.Reference.PhoneNumberCarriers.json"

To change the databases output folder replace the following line:

"NoxReferenceDataLoadWorldConnection": "Data Source={path}"
"NoxReferenceDataLoadMachineConnection": "Data Source={path}"

SourceDataPath - a folder where source data from external resources are saved. TargetDataPath - output folder for JSON files which are generated during gathering data from external sources.