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Implement basic `Convert`
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NthPortal committed Sep 1, 2017
2 parents 81bcf6e + 0d1971c commit d2738e2
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183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/com/nthportal/convert/Convert.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
package com.nthportal.convert

import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable

/** An object for handling a conversion between two types.
* [[Convert.Valid]] returns the result of a conversion as is,
* and throws an exception if the conversion fails.
* [[Convert.Any]] returns the result of a conversion wrapped in
* an [[scala.Option Option]], and returns [[scala.None None]] if
* the conversion fails.
* @example
* {{{
* /* Convert a string to a boolean */
* def parseBoolean(s: String)(implicit c: Convert): c.Result[Boolean] = {
* c.conversion {
* s.toLowerCase match {
* case "true" => true
* case "false" => false
* case _ => IllegalArgumentException(s"'\$s' is not 'true' or 'false'"))
* }
* }
* }
* }}}
* @define withinConversion This method MUST be called within a conversion
* block from this Convert instance.
sealed trait Convert {

import Convert.specTypes

type Result[T]

/** Performs a conversion.
* Conversion operations MUST take place within this block
* (a `conversion` block).
* @example
* {{{*
* conversion {
* // Do conversion here
* // - fail if something goes wrong
* // - return a result
* }
* }}}
* @param body the body of the conversion
* @tparam T the type of the conversion's result
* @return the result of the conversion, if it did not fail
def conversion[@specialized(specTypes) T](body: => T): Result[T]

/** Fails a conversion with the specified exception.
* $withinConversion
* @param ex an exception to throw, if this Convert throws exceptions
* @return
def fail(ex: => Exception): Nothing

/** Unwraps the [[Result]] of another conversion.
* $withinConversion
* @param result the result of another conversion
* @tparam T the type of the `Result[T]`
* @return the result of the other conversion, not wrapped as a `Result`
def unwrap[@specialized(specTypes) T](result: Result[T]): T

/** Tests an expression, failing the conversion if false. Analogous to
* [[scala.Predef.require(boolean):Unit Predef.require]], except that
* it fails the conversion instead of always throwing an exception.
* $withinConversion
* @param requirement the expression to test
final def require(requirement: Boolean): Unit = {
if (!requirement) fail(new IllegalArgumentException("requirement failed"))

/** Tests an expression, failing the conversion if false. Analogous to
* [[scala.Predef.require(boolean,=>Any):Unit Predef.require]], except
* that it fails the conversion instead of always throwing an exception.
* $withinConversion
* @param requirement the expression to test
* @param message a String to include in the failure message
final def require(requirement: Boolean, message: => Any): Unit = {
if (!requirement) fail(new IllegalArgumentException("requirement failed: " + message))

/** Wraps a block of code which throws an exception, failing the
* conversion if the block throws an exception of the specified
* type.
* $withinConversion
* @param body the block of code which may throw an exception
* @tparam E the type of the exception
* @tparam T the type of the result of `body`
* @return the result of `body`, if it did not fail
final def wrapException[E <: Exception : ClassTag, @specialized(specTypes) T](body: => T): T = {

/** Wraps a block of code which throws an exception, failing the
* conversion if the block throws an exception, and the exception
* matches the specified predicate.
* $withinConversion
* @param matches a predicate to match certain exceptions to be wrapped
* @param body the block of code which may throw an exception
* @tparam T the type of the result of `body`
* @return the result of `body`, if it did not fail
final def wrapException[@specialized(specTypes) T](matches: Exception => Boolean)(body: => T): T = {
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception if matches(e) => fail(e)

object Convert {
private val specTypes = new Specializable.Group((Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, Boolean))

* A [[Convert]] which returns the result of a conversion as is,
* and throws an exception if the conversion fails.
object Valid extends Convert {
override type Result[T] = T

override def conversion[@specialized(specTypes) T](res: => T): T = res

override def fail(ex: => Exception): Nothing = throw ex

override def unwrap[@specialized(specTypes) T](result: T): T = result

* A [[Convert]] which returns the result of a conversion wrapped in
* an [[scala.Option Option]], and returns [[scala.None None]] if
* the conversion fails.
object Any extends Convert {
override type Result[T] = Option[T]

override def conversion[@specialized(specTypes) T](res: => T): Option[T] = {
try {
} catch {
case FailControl => None

override def fail(ex: => Exception): Nothing = throw FailControl

override def unwrap[@specialized(specTypes) T](result: Option[T]): T = result match {
case Some(t) => t
case None => throw FailControl

private case object FailControl extends ControlThrowable

130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions src/test/scala/com/nthportal/convert/ConvertTest.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
package com.nthportal.convert

import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers, OptionValues}

class ConvertTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with OptionValues {

import ConvertTest._

behavior of "Convert.Valid"

it should "fail" in {
val c = Convert.Valid

an[IllegalStateException] should be thrownBy c.conversion { IllegalStateException()) }

it should "wrap exceptions" in {
val c = Convert.Valid

c.conversion { c.wrapException[NumberFormatException, Int] { "2".toInt } } shouldBe 2

a[NumberFormatException] should be thrownBy c.conversion {
c.wrapException[NumberFormatException, Int] { "not a number".toInt }

a[NonWrappedException] should be thrownBy c.conversion {
c.wrapException[NumberFormatException, Nothing] { throw new NonWrappedException }

it should "unwrap results" in {
implicit val c = Convert.Valid

c.conversion {
val res = c.unwrap(parseInt("1"))
res * 2
} shouldBe 2

a[NumberFormatException] should be thrownBy c.conversion {
val res = c.unwrap(parseInt("not a number"))
res * 2

it should "require something" in {
val c = Convert.Valid

an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy c.conversion { c.require(impossibleRequirement) }
an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy c.conversion { c.require(impossibleRequirement, "message") }

noException should be thrownBy c.conversion { c.require(fulfilledRequirement) }
noException should be thrownBy c.conversion { c.require(fulfilledRequirement, "message") }

behavior of "Convert.Any"

it should "fail" in {
val c = Convert.Any

c.conversion { IllegalStateException()) } shouldBe empty

it should "wrap exceptions" in {
val c = Convert.Any

c.conversion { c.wrapException[NumberFormatException, Int] { "2".toInt } }.value shouldBe 2
c.conversion { c.wrapException[NumberFormatException, Int] { "not a number".toInt } } shouldBe empty

a[NonWrappedException] should be thrownBy c.conversion {
c.wrapException[NumberFormatException, Nothing] { throw new NonWrappedException }

it should "unwrap results" in {
implicit val c = Convert.Any

c.conversion {
val res = c.unwrap(parseInt("1"))
res * 2
}.value shouldBe 2

c.conversion {
val res = c.unwrap(parseInt("not a number"))
res * 2
} shouldBe empty

it should "require something" in {
val c = Convert.Any

c.conversion {
} shouldBe empty

var initialized = false
c.conversion {
c.require(impossibleRequirement, "message")
initialized = true
} shouldBe empty
initialized shouldBe false

c.conversion {
}.value shouldBe true

c.conversion {
c.require(fulfilledRequirement, "message")
initialized = true
}.value shouldBe true
initialized shouldBe true

object ConvertTest {
val fulfilledRequirement = true
val impossibleRequirement = false

class NonWrappedException extends Exception

def parseInt(s: String)(implicit c: Convert): c.Result[Int] = {
c.conversion {
c.wrapException[NumberFormatException, Int](s.toInt)


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