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Display Known Owners on the PM UI Browse Tab


A Known Owner is defined as a package owner that's indicated by a package source's Search API, as opposed to the free-form field in the .nuspec. A package source may change the owner for any given package over time.

Introduce a UI affordance to emphasize which package owners shown in the Packages Manager UI (PM UI) are known by the package source. In the case of the package source, each owner will render with a hyperlink typically to the owner's profile page (eg, '<owner name>').

Only show by <author> when Known Owners are not provided by the selected package sources in PM UI.


Customers need a clear understanding of who created a NuGet package to be more confident the package they've found is correct. The term "owner" has become overloaded as NuGet has evolved, which has caused confusion. The "author" metadata is also misleading as it's a free-form text field which doesn't imply any verified credentials.

Customers will be able to identify Known Owners of packages on the Browse Tab in the package list search results and in the package details pane of PM UI.


Functional explanation

Instead of showing only author as the PM UI does today, the packages list will now show Known Owners beside each package ID when available from the selected package source. Author will be shown only when the selected package source does not implement Known Owners. For this iteration, a single package source must be selected (ie, not All) and the Browse tab must be selected.

The Details Pane will be capable of showing both Known Owner (when available) and Author for the selected package.

The Known Owner in both of these panes will be shown as a hyperlink.

Packages List UI for Owner/Author

When Known Owners are available on a package source, the PM UI Packages list will show:

  • Each Known Owner beside each package ID as a hyperlink.
  • Multiple Owners will be separated by a comma-delimiter.
  • The ToolTip on the package list item will show all Known Owners as a comma-delimited list of plain-text (the way authors are shown, today).
  • Blank space will be shown for packages missing a Known Owner, with nothing beside the package ID.

Example of HyperLinks and a package list item's ToolTip: The PM UI Packages list showing a page of Owners from beside each package ID as a hyperlink. An example of a tooltip showing the package name, owners, and package description.

Package Source supports Known Owners Shown in Packages List Example
No Author "by James Newton-King"
Yes Owner only "by jamesnk, newtonsoft, dotnetfoundation"

Hyperlink URL values for each Known Owner will depend on which resource the package source supports. The URL's value will be shown as a tooltip on each hyperlink.

The following is the order of precedence, starting from highest to lowest precedence:

  1. Owner with an Owner Details URL specific to the owner (eg, a profile page)

  2. Owner with Package Details URL for the package

Long lists of owners will be truncated, just as author can become truncated, today. A complete list of owners will be shown in the tooltip for the package. A package is shown with a long list of owner hyperlinks that becomes truncated, while the tooltip shows the complete list of owners.

Packages without a Known Owner

Blank space will be shown for packages missing a Known Owner, with nothing beside the package ID.

For example, using package source, the package Mvc3CodeTemplatesCSharp has no owners.

  • A blank is shown where author ("by Microsoft") would have been shown prior to this proposal.

    A package item for Mvc3CodeTemplatesCSharp in the PM UI packages list showing "Mvc3CodeTemplatesCSharp" with 31.2K downloads and no owner nor author.

Details Pane UI for Owner/Author

The Details Pane will show both the Known Owner and the Author. Historically, Owner has not been shown in the details pane at all. If Owner is not available, the Owner field will be shown with an indication that the metadata is not specified.

The PM UI Details Pane showing too many owner hyperlinks to fit in the width of the PM UI, and a tooltip which shows the complete list of owners.

Technical explanation

Resource: 'OwnerDetailsUriTemplate'

Introduce a template, OwnerDetailsUriTemplate, to the NuGet Server API for building URLs for details about an owner. Similar to Package details URL template, the template will allow clients to link to details (eg, a profile page) on the package source.

NuGet Client SDK

Currently, Owners JSON parsed from the Search API is immediately converted into a comma-delimited string of owners. To avoid breaking any clients depending on this, Owners will continue being a pre-processed string with comma-delimited owners. A new property, OwnersEnumerable will be added to IPackageSearchMetadata and PackageSearchMetadataContextInfo. The enumerable owners will allow displaying custom UI for each owner.

Tabs other than Browse Tab

Package metadata is only retrieved on the Browse Tab, therefore, it is the only tab that currently looks up Owners from a package source. Other tabs will continue displaying the author.

The MultiSourcePackageFeed queries all package sources for metadata and combines the responses.



Rationale and alternatives

Icon with hyperlink

Including an icon to further indicate that the owner in the packages list easily becomes noisy. Owners from are shown beside each package ID with a hyperlink and a NuGet Package Icon

Special label for owner / author

Using a prefix of by: with the colon in the same manner as, we could start letting this imply Owner, and introduce a new term for Author.

Only render by: when we have Owners from a package source. The tooltip will reflect the same information. PM UI screenshot showing a package with "by:" followed by a list of Owners, and a tooltip which also reflects those Owners

Render a different string, contributors: when we only have Authors and do not have Owners from a package source. The tooltip will reflect the same information. PM UI screenshot showing a package with "contributors:" followed by the Authors metadata, and a tooltip which also reflects those Authors

Prior Art


Unresolved Questions

  1. Edge case: The package source responds with a Known Owner, but doesn't provide URL templates for Owner Details nor Package Details.

    What URL should the Known Owner hyperlink point to in this case?

    UX Board suggests that a real URL be used with all hyperlinks. I had considered a hyperlink that only opens the tooltip when no destination URL is available.

    Further fallback URL ideas:

    1. The Project URL.

      In some cases, this is excellent as it's the github repository URL. However, it may be any URL and does not validate it.

      Example of an author with a GitHub repository Project URL Annotation showing the Project URL for which could serve as the URL for "Redth" if they were a Known Owner

    2. The Registration JSON or Service index JSON file URLs.

Future Possibilities

  1. Support multiple package sources (ie, package source: All). An algorithm currently determines a winner for the same package ID and version when found on multiple sources. The proposal is falling back to author since determining a winner can be done in another iteration and with community and team discussion. When supporting multi-source feeds, a tooltip on the link should indicate the source it's coming from. In other words, the winning package source should be identified.

    To demonstrate, on a private feed, here I used Fiddler to inject my name into an owner response from the Search endpoint. When selecting that feed, my name appears as the owner.

    Example of a Known Owner that is different from another source

    However, when switching to, the owners are now different:

    Example of a Known Owner that is different from the previous source for the same package

  2. Support tabs beyond the Browse tab. Consider querying for metadata on the Installed tab so that information like Owners and Download Count can be shown.

  3. Apply any configured Package Source Mappings when evaluating multiple package sources for Known Owners. When a package is mapped, do not read Known Owner from any other unmapped package sources.

  4. Show Owners for Recommended Packages. As the issue #10714 indicates, the recommender feed does not look up metadata for packages, and therefore will not have Known Owner metadata.

  5. Stop falling back to author when a package source supports Known Owners.

    Package sources could advertise whether they support strict Known Owner so that Clients can choose to hide author for packages where Known Owner is missing from the returned metadata. Package sources which do not make the strict declaration would continue falling back to author.

    For example, for package source, the package Mvc3CodeTemplatesCSharp has no owners.

    • In PM UI, show a blank instead of author (ie, remove "by Microsoft"), and add a line to the tooltip re-iterating that no owners exist for the package.

      On, there is a warning icon and a message "This package has no owners and is not being actively maintained."

      Example on of a package with no Owners indicated by a warning message.