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Developer Documentation

Joe Hirschfeld edited this page May 12, 2021 · 12 revisions

This document outlines various developer resources concerning NuVotifier.

For developers of vote listeners

Special note for Bukkit developers

NuVotifier is API-compatible with Votifier 1.9. NuVotifier includes additional APIs on top of those already supplied with Votifier. When you depend on NuVotifier, you will depend on Votifier. This preserves backwards compatibility with existing listeners.

If you are not writing a Bukkit listener, you'll depend on NuVotifier normally. For BungeeCord, you'll depend on NuVotifier, and for Sponge and Velocity you'll depend on nuvotifier.

Developing a vote listener

As NuVotifier implements the same API and logic as the original Votifier, you should consult for further details on how to develop a vote listener. The only difference is that NuVotifier also supports other platforms such as BungeeCord, Sponge, and Velocity.

Adding NuVotifier as a dependency to your build system

ParallelBlock now maintains an independent Maven repository for free use by the community. Builds are automatically published by a CI operated by ParallelBlock.


You can have your project depend on NuVotifier as a dependency through the following code snippets:



You can include NuVotifier into your gradle project using the following lines:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ''
dependencies {
    compileOnly "com.vexsoftware:nuvotifier-universal:version"


NuVotifier is an open source GNU GPLv3 licensed project. We accept contributions through pull requests, and will make sure to credit you for your gracious contribution.

Building NuVotifier

NuVotifier can be built by running the following: ./gradlew build or ./gradlew.bat build on Windows. The resultant universal jar is built and written to universal/build/libs/nuvotifier-{version}.jar.

The build directories can be cleaned instead using the ./gradlew clean (and ./gradlew.bat build) command.

Implementing NuVotifier in a server list

NuVotifier provides production ready reference implementations for interacting with NuVotifier servers. These libraries are available below:

For protocol documentation, see the Technical QA.